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Late Holocene Red Sea Coastal Evolution: Evidence from Shallow Subsurface Sedimentary Facies, North Al-Wajh, Saudi Arabia
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s41208-020-00248-2
Ibrahim M. Ghandour , Jawad Majeed , Aaid G. Al-Zubieri , Ammar A. Mannaa , Mohammed H. Aljahdali , Rashad A. Bantan

The stratigraphy of the late Holocene shallow subsurface coastal sediments, North Al-Wajh, Saudi Arabia was investigated to reconstruct the environmental evolution of the area in relation to sea-level changes. Five shallow cores (1.1 to 2.2 m long) were collected from the intertidal flat bordering the Dumaygh Lagoon, and the mouths of wadis Antar and Haramil. The cores exhibit siliciclastic-dominated sediments, in some parts containing reworked calcareous shell fragments of bivalves, gastropods and coral remains. The sediments were analyzed for grain size, loss on ignition (LOI), CaCO3 content, and bulk mineralogy. Mineralogically, the sediments were dominated by siliciclastic minerals (quartz, plagioclase, feldspars, and hornblende) followed by low Mg-calcite (LMC), high Mg-calcite (HMC) and aragonite. In addition, traces of mica, amphiboles, clay minerals, and dolomite were recognized. There is a slight lateral variation in the relative abundance of aragonite and high Mg calcite (HMC), particularly at the base of cores. The results provide a simple scenario for the late Holocene Northern Red Sea coastal evolution. Two vertically stacked sedimentary facies were recognized from the cores; grey mud-dominated lagoonal/bayfill at the base and yellowish-brown sand-dominated intertidal flat at the top. The vertical facies stacking suggests a forestepping pattern or progradational sequence possibly attributed to the late Holocene relative sea-level fall.



研究了沙特阿拉伯北部Al-Wajh全新世晚期浅层地下沿海沉积物的地层学,以重建该地区与海平面变化有关的环境演变。从与Dumaygh泻湖接壤的潮间带以及wadis Antar和Haramil的口中收集了五个浅层岩心(长1.1至2.2 m)。岩心表现出以硅质碎屑为主的沉积物,某些部分含有重做的双壳类钙质贝壳碎片,腹足动物和珊瑚残骸。分析沉积物的晶粒尺寸,灼烧损失(LOI),CaCO 3含量和整体矿物学。在矿物学上,沉积物以硅质碎屑矿物(石英,斜长石,长石和角闪石)为主,其次是低镁方解石(LMC),高镁方解石(HMC)和文石。此外,还发现了云母,闪石,粘土矿物和白云石的痕迹。文石和高镁方解石(HMC)的相对丰度略有横向变化,尤其是在岩心底部。结果为全新世北部红海晚期海岸演化提供了简单的方案。从岩心识别出两个垂直堆积的沉积相。底部为灰色泥浆为主的泻湖/海湾,顶部为黄褐色砂土为主的潮间带。
