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Green turtle mitochondrial microsatellites indicate finer-scale natal homing to isolated islands than to continental nesting sites
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-11 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13348
BM Shamblin 1 , KM Hart 2 , KJ Martin 3 , SA Ceriani 4 , DA Bagley 5 , KL Mansfield 5 , LM Ehrhart 5 , CJ Nairn 1

ABSTRACT: In highly mobile philopatric species, defining the scale of natal homing is fundamental to characterizing population dynamics and effectively managing distinct populations. Genetic tools have provided evidence of regional natal philopatry in marine turtles, but extensive sharing of maternally inherited mitochondrial control region (CR) haplotypes within regions (<500 km) often impedes identification of population boundaries. Previous CR-based analyses of Florida (USA) green turtle Chelonia mydas nesting sites detected at least 2 populations, but the ubiquity of haplotype CM-A3.1 among southern rookeries decreased the power to detect differentiation. We reassessed population structure by sequencing the mitochondrial microsatellite (short tandem repeat, mtSTR) in 786 samples from 11 nesting sites spanning 700 km from Canaveral National Seashore through Dry Tortugas National Park. The mtSTR marker subdivided CM-A3.1 into 12 haplotypes that were structured among rookeries, demonstrating independent female recruitment into the Dry Tortugas and Marquesas Keys nesting populations. Combined haplotypes provided support for recognition of at least 4 management units in Florida: (1) central eastern Florida, (2) southeastern Florida, (3) Key West National Wildlife Refuge, and (4) Dry Tortugas National Park. Recapture data indicated female nesting dispersal between islands <15 km apart, but haplotype frequencies demonstrated discrete natal homing to island groups separated by 70 km. These isolated insular rookeries may be more vulnerable to climate change-mediated nesting habitat instability than those along continental coasts and should be monitored more consistently to characterize population status. Broader application of the mtSTR markers holds great promise in improving resolution of stock structure and migratory connectivity for green turtles globally.



摘要:在高度易流动的隐喻物种中,确定出生归巢的规模对于表征种群动态和有效管理不同种群至关重要。遗传工具为海龟提供了区域性产学研究的证据,但是在区域内(<500 km)内母系遗传的线粒体控制区(CR)单倍型的广泛共享通常会阻碍种群边界的确定。以前基于CR的佛罗里达州(美国)绿海龟Chelonia mydas分析巢点检测到至少2个种群,但南部群居中单倍型CM-A3.1的普遍存在降低了检测分化的能力。我们通过对11个筑巢点的786个样本中的线粒体微卫星序列(短串联重复序列,mtSTR)进行测序,从而重新评估了种群结构,这些样本分布在从卡纳维拉尔国家海岸到干龟岛国家公园700公里的11个筑巢点。mtSTR标记将CM-A3.1细分为12个单倍型,这些单倍型是由群居构成的,这表明女性独立招募到了干龟龟和Marquesas Keys巢居种群中。组合单倍型为佛罗里达州至少4个管理单位的识别提供了支持:(1)佛罗里达州中部东部,(2)佛罗里达州东南部,(3)西礁岛国家野生动物保护区,以及(4)干龟岛国家公园。捕获数据表明,雌性巢在距离小于15 km的岛屿之间散布,但单倍型频率显示了离散的出生归巢到间隔70 km的岛屿群。这些孤立的岛群可能比大陆沿海的岛群更容易受到气候变化介导的筑巢生境不稳定的影响,因此应该对其进行更连续的监测以表征种群状况。mtSTR标记的广泛应用为改善全球绿海龟的种群结构分辨率和迁徙连通性提供了广阔前景。这些孤立的岛群可能比大陆沿岸的岛群更容易受到气候变化介导的筑巢生境不稳定的影响,应该对其进行更一致的监测以表征种群状况。mtSTR标记的广泛应用为改善全球绿海龟的种群结构分辨率和迁徙连通性提供了广阔前景。这些孤立的岛群可能比大陆沿海的岛群更容易受到气候变化介导的筑巢生境不稳定的影响,因此应该对其进行更连续的监测以表征种群状况。mtSTR标记的广泛应用为改善全球绿海龟的种群结构分辨率和迁徙连通性提供了广阔前景。