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Temporal and spatial dynamics of the invasive red king crab and native brachyuran and anomuran larvae in Norwegian waters
Aquatic Biology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.3354/ab00720
HK Michelsen , EM Nilssen , T Pedersen , C Svensen

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the temporal and spatial patterns of larval stages of the invasive red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (RKC) and co-existing native brachyurans and anomurans in a Norwegian fjord. It is one of few field studies describing the larval stage of native and invasive brachyurans and anomurans in the southern Barents Sea. Larvae were collected at 6 to 18 stations at roughly 1 to 2 mo intervals over a 1.5-yr period. To help explain timing in hatch of RKC larvae, the reproductive state of females was determined. The first larval stage of RKC was found in higher abundances in shallow bays, reflecting the spawning migrations of reproducing females. RKC was the first species among anomurans and brachyurans to release their larvae in Norwegian waters, and due to an extended larval release (January-May) their larvae occurred for the longest period of time in the water column. The native boreo-Arctic Pagurus pubescens and Hyas araneus released their larvae early in the year, starting in March. In contrast, larvae of the native boreal Pagurus bernhardus, Hyas coarctatus and Munida sp. were observed later in spring and summer. The combination of protracted hatching, high fecundity and high adult abundance of RKC are likely strong contributing factors to the species’ successful establishment in the southern Barents Sea and could favour the dispersal of RKC south along the Norwegian coast and potentially north into Arctic shelf areas.



摘要:本研究调查了侵袭性红帝王蟹Paralithodes camtschaticus幼虫期的时空格局(RKC)以及挪威峡湾中的本地短吻鳄和无脊椎动物。它是描述巴伦支海南部原生和侵入性短臂猿和无头ns的幼虫阶段的少数野外研究之一。在1.5年内,以大约1至2个月的间隔在6至18个站收集幼虫。为了帮助解释RKC幼虫的孵化时间,确定了雌性的生殖状态。RKC的第一个幼虫阶段在浅海湾中的丰度较高,这反映了繁殖雌性的产卵迁移。RKC是无尾目动物和腕足类动物中第一个在挪威水域释放幼虫的物种,由于幼虫释放时间延长(1月至5月),它们的幼虫在水柱中的生长时间最长。原生的北极北极Pagurus pubescensHyas araneus于3月开始在今年年初释放幼虫。相比之下,幼虫是北北方的原始Pagurus bernhardus,Hyas coarctatusMunida sp。在春季和夏季晚些时候被观察到。长期孵化,高繁殖力和高成年RKC的结合很可能是该物种在巴伦支海南部成功建立的重要因素,并且可能有利于RKC向南沿挪威海岸扩散,甚至可能向北扩散到北极大陆架地区。