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The Cyclops Mountains Massif (New Guinea, Indonesia) as the provenance area for metal-bearing shelf sediments from the Carolinian Sea
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1512

In 2009, on the initiative of PT Halmahera Perkasa the “Jayapura” exploration project was carried out in Indonesia. As part of this project, exploration of the sea bottom in the northern coast of New Guinea was carried out over a distance of ~45 km. The suction dredge collected 59 samples of loose sediments from the shelf bottom surface of the Carolinian Sea (to a depth of 60 m below the sea-floor). The extracted samples are usually poorly and moderately sorted sands (5 samples), medium-grained sands (21 samples), and fine-grained sands (33 samples). The sand composition shows, among others, a wide spectrum of heavy minerals of ultra-mafic (Cr-garnet, chromium spinel, Mg-olivine) and metamorphic (epidote, clinochlore, amphibole, titanite) origin. The content of heavy minerals in the sediments is up to 54.77 wt.%. It was found that the source of heavy fraction in the eastern and western parts of the coast is the rock of the ophiolite series building the Cyclops Mountains Massif. The mineral composition of sediments from the central coastal zone corresponds to the types of rocks building the metamorphic core of the Cyclops Mountains (amphibolite, gneisses, andesite). Three mineral-geochemical subprovinces were determined on the basis of analyses of heavy mineral decomposition and chemical analyses of sediments. Shelf sediment from the eastern part of the coast is characterized by an increased content of strategic metals (Ni up to 3560, W up to 3130 and Co up to 142 ppm). In the central zone, the V content increases up to 244 ppm and the Ag content up to 5 ppm. In the shelf sediments there is a strong depletion in the REE.



2009 年,在 PT Halmahera Perkasa 的倡议下,在印度尼西亚开展了“Jayapura”勘探项目。作为该项目的一部分,对新几内亚北部海岸海底的勘探进行了约 45 公里的距离。抽吸式挖泥船从卡罗莱尼亚海的陆架底面(海底以下 60 m 的深度)收集了 59 个松散沉积物样本。提取的样品通常为中分选差的砂(5个样品)、中粒砂(21个样品)和细粒砂(33个样品)。沙子成分显示,除其他外,超镁铁质(铬石榴石、铬尖晶石、镁橄榄石)和变质(绿帘石、斜绿石、角闪石、钛铁矿)来源的重矿物的范围很广。沉积物中重矿物含量高达54.77 wt.%。发现海岸东部和西部的重馏分的来源是构成独眼巨人山地块的蛇绿岩系列岩石。中央海岸带沉积物的矿物成分对应于构成独眼巨人山脉变质核心的岩石类型(角闪岩、片麻岩和安山岩)。在重矿物分解分析和沉积物化学分析的基础上,确定了三个矿物地球化学亚省。海岸东部大陆架沉积物的特点是战略金属含量增加(Ni 高达 3560,W 高达 3130,Co 高达 142 ppm)。在中心区域,V 含量增加到 244 ppm,Ag 含量增加到 5 ppm。在陆架沉积物中,稀土元素严重枯竭。