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Obituary: Dr Leila Valerie Asche, PhD, AM, PhD (hon) CDU
Microbiology Australia Pub Date : 2020-03-17 , DOI: 10.1071/ma20014

Leila Valerie James was born at Rupanyup in western Victoria in 1927. She attended local schools and continued her education despite significant family hardship. After matriculating from Ballarat High School she achieved her dream of going to The University of Melbourne and in 1944 commenced her BSc while living in nearby Brunswick. At Easter she fell ill with pleurisy. After a local GP drained 3 pints of fluid from her pleural cavity, she was sent home to rest, devastated to leave the university and her new friends. The word ‘tuberculosis’ (TB) was never mentioned to her.


itu告:Leila Valerie Asche博士,博士,上午,博士(荣誉)基民盟

莱拉·瓦莱丽·詹姆斯(Leila Valerie James)于1927年出生于维多利亚州西部的鲁潘尼普(Rupanyup)。尽管家庭生活困难重重,她仍在当地学校上学并继续接受教育。从巴拉瑞特高中毕业后,她实现了就读墨尔本大学的梦想,并于1944年在附近的不伦瑞克(Brunswick)居住并获得了理学学士学位。复活节时,她患有胸膜炎。当地的一名全科医生从胸腔排出了3品脱的液体后,她被送回家休息,饱受摧残,离开了大学和新朋友。她从未提及“结核”(TB)这个词。
