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Acceptability and consensus for the management of game and non-game crop raiders
Wildlife Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/wr19083
Vasileios J. Kontsiotis , Georgios Vadikolios , Vasilios Liordos

Abstract Context. Wild boars (Sus scrofa) and European badgers (Meles meles) have been increasingly implicated in crop damage in Greece. The species’ increasing presence on agricultural land has also raised concern about disease transmission to livestock and humans. Greece does not have any plans for the management of these situations, because they have only recently emerged. Understanding public preferences for management strategies is necessary for the successful implementation of management plans. Aims. To survey residents of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, north-eastern Greece, to understand variation between stakeholder groups in preferences for the management of wild boars and European badgers in different scenarios. Methods. Data were collected from on-site face-to-face surveys (n = 585), between September and November 2017. Respondents, assigned to one of general public, farmers, hunters and farmer-hunter groups, were asked to rate their acceptability of wild boar and European badger management strategies under four conflict scenarios: wild boars and European badgers raid crops and transfer disease. Key results. Stakeholders preferred less invasive strategies for the management of crop raiders, although they accepted lethal control in the more severe disease-transmission scenarios. Potential for conflict was higher for non-lethal control in the crop-raiding scenarios and for lethal control in the disease-transmission scenarios. Farmers and farmer-hunters were the groups more strongly supporting management strategies in all scenarios. Hunters were more reluctant to accept the reduction in numbers of a game species (i.e. the wild boar) than of a non-game species (i.e. the European badger). Conclusions. Variation in the acceptability of and consensus for wild boar and European badger management strategies was considerable, both among and within groups. Implications. Findings are a critical guide for the design of a conflict-management process aimed at reaching consensus for proper management strategies. This would allow for the successful management of human conflicts over wildlife.



摘要上下文。野猪(Sus scrofa)和欧洲獾(Meles meles)越来越多地与希腊的农作物受损有关。该物种在农业用地中越来越多的存在也引起了人们对疾病向牲畜和人类传播的担忧。希腊没有任何管理这些情况的计划,因为它们最近才出现。了解公众对管理策略的偏好对于成功实施管理计划是必要的。目标。调查东马其顿和希腊东北部色雷斯的居民,以了解利益相关者群体在不同情况下对野猪和欧洲獾管理偏好的差异。方法。数据来自 2017 年 9 月至 11 月期间的现场面对面调查(n = 585)。分配给公众、农民、猎人和农民狩猎团体之一,他们被要求在四种冲突情景下评估他们对野猪和欧洲獾管理策略的可接受性:野猪和欧洲獾袭击作物和传播疾病。关键结果。尽管在更严重的疾病传播情况下他们接受了致命控制,但利益相关者更喜欢采用侵入性较小的策略来管理作物掠夺者。作物袭击情景中的非致命控制和疾病传播情景中的致命控制发生冲突的可能性更高。在所有情景中,农民和农民猎人是更强烈支持管理策略的群体。与非游戏物种(即野猪)相比,猎人更不愿意接受猎物物种(即野猪)数量的减少。欧洲獾)。结论。野猪和欧洲獾管理策略的可接受性和共识差异很大,无论是群体之间还是群体内部。影响。结果是设计冲突管理过程的重要指南,旨在就适当的管理策略达成共识。这将有助于成功管理人类对野生动物的冲突。