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Natural behaviours, their drivers and their implications for laying hen welfare
Animal Production Science ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/an19630
Paul H. Hemsworth , Lauren E. Edwards

Some believe that farm animals need to be kept in conditions that provide ‘natural’ aspects in the animal’s environment and, thus, provide the opportunity for the animals to perform their full ‘behavioural repertoire’. Captivity may restrict either behaviours that animals have instinctive, intrinsic propensities to perform whatever the environment or behaviours that are elicited by deficits in the animals’ environment. Behavioural restriction may also thwart general motivation to seek variety and/or avoid monotonous conditions. Appreciating whether an animal suffers if deprived of the opportunity to perform natural behaviour requires, first, an understanding of how the behaviour in question is elicited and controlled, the effects of early experience and genetics on the behaviour and the behaviour of the species in the wild, and, second, the behavioural, physiological and fitness effects of deprivation of the behaviour. Housing laying hens in conventional cages compromises their behavioural repertoire, such as nesting in a nest box, dust bathing, perching and foraging, and the present review focuses on the welfare implications if these natural behaviours are thwarted in modern poultry production. A floor space of <561 cm2/hen increases physiological stress, reduces egg production and increases mortality in laying hens. There is also evidence of behavioural restriction in terms of reduced wing stretching, leg stretching, tail wagging, locomotion, floor and object pecking and preening with floor space in the range of 542–750 cm2/hen. Preference and motivation research has indicated that laying hens value resources such as nest boxes for oviposition, substrates for foraging and dust bathing, and perches for roosting. However, there is no convincing evidence that deprivation of these resources results in physiological stress. Furthermore, apart from adverse effects of the absence of perches on bone strength, there is no evidence that deprivation of nest boxes, perches, and foraging and dust-bathing substrates results in reduction in fitness such as reduced egg production or health. Nevertheless, preference research has indicated that the opportunity to utilise these resources, particularly nest boxes, may elicit positive emotional states in laying hens. Therefore, it is important to understand both how motivated the animal is to choose an option or perform a behaviour as well as the consequences of depriving the animal of this opportunity.



一些人认为,农场动物需要保持在动物环境中提供“自然”方面的条件,从而为动物提供充分发挥其“行为能力”的机会。圈养可能会限制动物具有执行任何环境的本能、内在倾向的行为或由动物环境缺陷引起的行为。行为限制也可能阻碍寻求多样性和/或避免单调条件的一般动机。评估动物在被剥夺了进行自然行为的机会时是否会遭受痛苦,首先需要了解相关行为是如何引发和控制的,早期经验和遗传学对行为的影响以及该物种在野外的行为, 其次, 剥夺行为对行为、生理和健康的影响。将蛋鸡安置在传统笼子里会影响它们的行为,例如在巢箱中筑巢、沐浴灰尘、栖息和觅食,如果这些自然行为在现代家禽生产中受到阻碍,本评论将重点关注福利影响。<561 cm2/母鸡的占地面积会增加生理压力,降低产蛋量并增加蛋鸡的死亡率。也有证据表明,在减少翅膀伸展、腿部伸展、尾巴摆动、移动、地板和物体啄食和梳理方面,行为受到限制,地板空间在 542-750 平方厘米/母鸡的范围内。偏好和动机研究表明,蛋鸡重视资源,例如用于产卵的巢箱、觅食和沙浴的基质,以及栖息的栖息地。然而,没有令人信服的证据表明剥夺这些资源会导致生理压力。此外,除了没有栖木对骨骼强度的不利影响外,没有证据表明没有巢箱、栖木以及觅食和沙浴基质会导致健康下降,例如产蛋量或健康下降。然而,偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。没有令人信服的证据表明剥夺这些资源会导致生理压力。此外,除了没有栖木对骨骼强度的不利影响外,没有证据表明没有巢箱、栖木以及觅食和沙浴基质会导致健康下降,例如产蛋量或健康下降。然而,偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。没有令人信服的证据表明剥夺这些资源会导致生理压力。此外,除了没有栖木对骨骼强度的不利影响外,没有证据表明没有巢箱、栖木以及觅食和沙浴基质会导致健康下降,例如产蛋量或健康下降。然而,偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。除了没有栖木对骨骼强度的不利影响外,没有证据表明没有巢箱、栖木以及觅食和沙浴基质会导致健康下降,例如产蛋量或健康下降。然而,偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。除了没有栖木对骨骼强度的不利影响外,没有证据表明没有巢箱、栖木以及觅食和沙浴基质会导致健康下降,例如产蛋量或健康下降。然而,偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。偏好研究表明,利用这些资源的机会,特别是巢箱,可能会引起蛋鸡的积极情绪状态。因此,重要的是要了解动物选择选项或执行行为的动机以及剥夺动物这种机会的后果。