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The effects of landscape composition and configuration on Eastern Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous) and Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) occupancy in an agroecosystem
Avian Conservation and Ecology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.5751/ace-01613-150124
Michelle A. Vala , Greg W. Mitchell , Kevin C. Hannah , Julia E. Put , Scott Wilson

Agricultural expansion and intensification are some of the leading drivers of biodiversity loss globally. Effective conservation and management strategies for threatened species in agroecosystems require information on how these species are affected by (1) the amount and configuration of natural habitats, and (2) the type and extent of agricultural land covers. The Eastern Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous) and Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) are two nocturnal aerial insectivores in decline in North America, and have breeding ranges that include agriculturally dominated landscapes. We first assessed mean breeding occupancy of both species in eastern Ontario, Canada in 2016 using acoustic recording units at 127 sites. We then assessed the effects of landscape composition (forest, agriculture, wetlands, and urban covers), forest configuration (mean patch size, number of patches, distance to nearest patch), and agriculture type (perennial forages versus cropland) on Eastern Whip-poor-will occupancy. Eastern Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk occupancy in the study area averaged 0.244 and 0.064, respectively. We were unable to examine the relationships between landscape composition/configuration and Common Nighthawk occupancy because of small sample sizes. Nonetheless, Eastern Whip-poor-will occupancy was positively correlated with the amount of wetland cover and forest patch size, was weakly negatively correlated with urban land cover, and was unrelated to the type of agriculture. Our results highlight how the conservation of the Eastern Whip-poor-will in agricultural landscapes of eastern Canada would benefit from both wetland protection and the presence of larger forest patches, which can be accomplished through both forest protection and by allowing forest regeneration on abandoned lands.


景观构成和配置对农业生态系统中东部鞭毛穷人(Caprimulgus vociferous)和普通夜鹰(Chordeiles minor)占有率的影响

农业扩张和集约化是全球生物多样性丧失的一些主要驱动因素。针对农业生态系统中受威胁物种的有效保护和管理战略需要有关这些物种如何受到 (1) 自然栖息地的数量和配置,以及 (2) 农业土地覆盖的类型和范围的影响的信息。Eastern Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous) 和Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) 是北美下降的两种夜间空中食虫动物,其繁殖范围包括以农业为主的景观。我们于 2016 年首次使用 127 个地点的声学记录单元评估了加拿大安大略省东部这两种物种的平均繁殖率。然后我们评估了景观构成(森林、农业、湿地和城市覆盖)的影响,森林配置(平均斑块​​大小、斑块数量、到最近斑块的距离)和农业类型(多年生草料与农田)在东部 Whip-poor-will 占用率上。研究区域的 Eastern Whip-poor-will 和 Common Nighthawk 的入住率分别平均为 0.244 和 0.064。由于样本量小,我们无法检查景观构成/配置与普通夜鹰入住率之间的关系。尽管如此,Eastern Whip-poor-will 占有率与湿地覆盖量和森林斑块大小呈正相关,与城市土地覆盖呈弱负相关,与农业类型无关。