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Fire history and its drivers based on peatland charcoal analysis in the Changbai Mountains, north-east China, during the last 13000 years
International Journal of Wildland Fire ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/wf19168
Meng Meng , Dongmei Jie , Dehui Li , Nannan Li , Baojian Liu , Guizai Gao , Jiangyong Wang , Honghao Niu , Ying Liu , Guihua Zhang

The Changbai Mountains forest ecosystem is one of the best-preserved temperate mountain forest ecosystems in Asia. Since the establishment of the reserve in 1960, extensive forest fires have been excluded as a result of strict regulation and suppression efforts and thus fuels have accumulated for several decades. Due to the lack of historical fire records in the area, the risk of fire occurrence cannot be properly estimated. In this study, we used charcoal records to reconstruct the palaeo-fire frequency in the Changbai Mountains during the last 13 000 years. The results indicate that fires were frequent during 13.0–11.0, 7.0–6.0, and 2.5–2.0 calender (cal) kyr before present (BP) and from 1.0 cal kyr BP to the present. The fire frequencies are largely consistent with other palaeoenvironmental records from the study area and we conclude that since 13.0 cal kyr BP fires were more frequent at the regional scale during intervals of a weak summer monsoon, caused by a cold and dry climate and the abundance of flammable trees. Archaeological data from the study area since 3.0 cal kyr BP indicate increasing human activity, which dominated the occurrence of local fires. In addition, intermittent volcanic activity influenced the occurrence of fires during the past millennium.



长白山森林生态系统是亚洲保存最完好的温带山地森林生态系统之一。自1960年保护区建立以来,经过严格的监管和扑救,大面积的森林火灾被排除在外,燃料积累了几十年。由于该地区缺乏历史火灾记录,无法正确估计火灾发生的风险。在这项研究中,我们利用木炭记录重建了长白山过去 13 000 年的古火灾频率。结果表明,火灾在 13.0–11.0、7.0–6.0 和 2.5–2.0 calender (cal) kyr 之前 (BP) 和从 1.0 cal kyr BP 到现在频繁发生。火灾频率与研究区的其他古环境记录大体一致,我们得出结论,由于寒冷干燥的气候和丰富的夏季风,在弱夏季风间隔期间,13.0 cal kyr BP 火灾在区域尺度上更为频繁。易燃树木。自 3.0 cal kyr BP 以来,来自研究区的考古数据表明人类活动不断增加,这主导了当地火灾的发生。此外,间歇性火山活动影响了过去千年的火灾发生。这主导了局部火灾的发生。此外,间歇性火山活动影响了过去千年的火灾发生。这主导了局部火灾的发生。此外,间歇性火山活动影响了过去千年的火灾发生。