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On Bismut flat manifolds
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8083
Qingsong Wang , Bo Yang , Fangyang Zheng

In this paper, we give a classification of all compact Hermitian manifolds with flat Bismut connection. We show that the torsion tensor of such a manifold must be parallel, thus the universal cover of such a manifold is a Lie group equipped with a bi-invariant metric and a compatible left invariant complex structure. In particular, isosceles Hopf surfaces are the only Bismut flat compact non-K\"ahler surfaces, while central Calabi-Eckmann threefolds are the only simply-connected compact Bismut flat threefolds.


关于 Bismut 扁平流形

在本文中,我们给出了所有具有扁平 Bismut 连接的紧凑 Hermitian 流形的分类。我们证明了这种流形的扭张量必须是平行的,因此这种流形的普遍覆盖是一个李群,它配备了一个双不变度量和一个兼容的左不变复结构。特别地,等腰 Hopf 曲面是唯一的 Bismut 平面紧凑非 K\"ahler 曲面,而中央 Calabi-Eckmann 三重曲面是唯一的简单连接的紧凑 Bismut 平面三重曲面。