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An old and new approach to Goormaghtigh’s equation
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8103
Michael A. Bennett , Adela Gherga , Dijana Kreso

Abstract:We show that if $ n \geq 3$ is a fixed integer, then there exists an effectively computable constant $ c (n)$ such that if $ x$, $ y$, and $ m$ are integers satisfying
$\displaystyle \frac {x^m-1}{x-1} = \frac {y^n-1}{y-1}, \; \; y>x>1, \; m > n,$

with $ \gcd (m-1,n-1)>1$, then $ \max \{ x, y, m \} < c (n)$. In case $ n \in \{ 3, 4, 5 \}$, we solve the equation completely, subject to this non-coprimality condition. In case $ n=5$, our resulting computations require a variety of innovations for solving Ramanujan-Nagell equations of the shape $ f(x)=y^n$, where $ f(x)$ is a given polynomial with integer coefficients (and degree at least two), and $ y$ is a fixed integer.



摘要:我们发现,如果$ n \ geq 3 $是一个固定的整数,则存在一个有效的可计算的常数$ c(n)$,例如,如果$ x $$ y $$ m $为整数满足
$ \ displaystyle \ frac {x ^ m-1} {x-1} = \ frac {y ^ n-1} {y-1},\;  \;  y> x> 1,\;  m> n,$

用,然后。在这种情况下,在此非互素条件下,我们可以完全求解方程。在这种情况下,我们得出的计算结果需要多种创新来求解形状为Ramanujan-Nagell的方程,其中,是给定的具有整数系数(且度数至少为2)的多项式,并且是固定整数。 $ \ gcd(m-1,n-1)> 1 $ $ \ max \ {x,y,m \} <c(n)$ $ n \ in \ {3,4,5 \} $$ n = 5 $$ f(x)= y ^ n $$ f(x)$$ y $