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The isometry group of phylogenetic tree space is 𝑆_{𝑛}
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1090/proc/15154
Gillian Grindstaff

Abstract:A phylogenetic tree is an acyclic graph with distinctly labeled leaves whose internal edges have a positive weight. Given a set $ \{1,2,\dots ,n\}$ of $ n$ leaves, the collection of all phylogenetic trees with this leaf set can be assembled into a metric cube complex known as phylogenetic tree space, or Billera-Holmes-Vogtmann tree space. In this largely combinatorial paper, we show that the isometry group of this space is the symmetric group $ S_n$. This fact is relevant to the analysis of some statistical tests of phylogenetic trees, such as those introduced in Testing to distinguish measures on metric spaces, preprint, 1802.01152, 2018.



摘要:系统发育树是一个无环图,具有明显标记的叶子,其内部边缘的权重为正。给定一组的叶子,用这种叶集的所有进化树的集合可以组装成称为进化树空间,或Billera -福尔摩斯Vogtmann树空间度量立方体复杂。在这份很大程度上是组合的论文中,我们证明了该空间的等距群是对称群。这一事实与对系统发育树的一些统计测试的分析有关,例如在《区分度量空间度量的测试》(预印本,1802.01152,2018)中引入的统计测试。 $ \ {1,2,\ dots,n \} $$ n $$ S_n $