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Swimming statistics of cargo-loaded single bacteria.
Soft Matter ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1039/d0sm01066a
P Prakash 1 , A Z Abdulla 2 , V Singh 3 , M Varma 4

Burgeoning interest in the area of bacteria-powered micro robotic systems prompted us to study the dynamics of cargo transport by single bacteria. In this paper, we have studied the swimming behaviour of oil-droplets attached as cargo to the cell bodies of single bacteria. The oil-droplet loaded bacteria exhibit super-diffusive motion which is characterised by a high degree of directional persistence. Interestingly, bacteria could navigate with cargo size as large as 8 μm resulting in an increased rotational drag of more than 2 orders when compared to the free bacteria. The directional change of cargo loaded bacterial trajectories seems to be enhanced by steric hindrance from other oil-droplets present in the environment.


