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Validation of the German capability for suicide questionnaire (GCSQ) in a high-risk sample of suicidal inpatients.
BMC Psychiatry ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1186/s12888-020-02812-9
Jan C Cwik 1 , Thomas Forkmann 2 , Heide Glaesmer 3 , Laura Paashaus 2 , Antje Schönfelder 3 , Dajana Rath 2 , Sarah Prinz 4 , Georg Juckel 5 , Tobias Teismann 4

The German Capability for Suicide Questionnaire (GCSQ) was developed to measure fearlessness of death and pain tolerance – two constructs central to the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Initial scale development, definition of the factor structure and confirmation of the two-dimensional factor structure was performed in samples suffering from relatively low levels of suicide ideation/behavior. The present study aimed to validate the German Capability for Suicide Questionnaire (GCSQ) in a high-risk sample of suicidal inpatients. Factor structure, reliability and validity were investigated in a sample of inpatients (N = 296; 53.0% female; age in years: M = 36.81, SD = 14.27) admitted to a hospital due to a recent suicide attempt or an acute suicidal crisis (in immediate need of inpatient treatment). To establish convergent validity, interview-based assessments of lifetime suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury as well as questionnaire-based assessments of painful and provocative events were used. Finally, stability of GCSQ-scores over a follow-up period of 12 months was assessed. Results indicated good psychometric properties, and provided additional evidence for construct validity and stability of the subscales over a one-year period, and demonstrated adequate fit of the data with respect to the original factor structure. Results suggest that the GCSQ is a brief, reliable, and valid measure of capability for suicide that can be used in clinic assessment and research.



德国自杀能力调查表(GCSQ)的开发是为了衡量死亡的无畏程度和痛苦承受能力,这是人际自杀理论的核心两个要素。最初的规模发展,因素结构的定义以及二维因素结构的确认是在自杀观念/行为水平较低的样本中进行的。本研究旨在验证自杀患者的高风险样本中的德国自杀能力调查表(GCSQ)。调查因近期自杀未遂或急性自杀危机而入院的住院患者(N = 296;女性53.0%;年龄:M = 36.81,SD = 14.27)的因素结构,可靠性和有效性。立即需要住院治疗)。为了建立收敛效度,使用基于访谈的终生自杀未遂和非自杀性自残评估,以及基于问卷的疼痛和挑衅事件评估。最后,评估了GCSQ评分在12个月的随访期内的稳定性。结果表明其良好的心理计量学特性,并为构造量表在一年内的有效性和稳定性提供了额外的证据,并证明了数据相对于原始因素结构的充分拟合。结果表明,GCSQ是一种简短,可靠且有效的自杀能力量度,可用于临床评估和研究。评估了GCSQ评分在12个月的随访期内的稳定性。结果表明其良好的心理计量学特性,并为构造量表在一年内的有效性和稳定性提供了额外的证据,并证明了数据相对于原始因素结构的充分拟合。结果表明,GCSQ是一种简短,可靠且有效的自杀能力量度,可用于临床评估和研究。评估了GCSQ评分在12个月的随访期内的稳定性。结果表明其良好的心理计量学特性,并为构造量表在一年内的有效性和稳定性提供了额外的证据,并证明了数据相对于原始因素结构的充分拟合。结果表明,GCSQ是一种简短,可靠且有效的自杀能力量度,可用于临床评估和研究。