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Unified joint reconstruction approach for random illumination microscopy
Biomedical Optics Express ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.1364/boe.399547
Penghuan Liu

Random illumination microscopy (RIM) using uncontrolled speckle patterns has shown the capacity to surpass the Abbe’s diffraction barrier, providing the possibility to design inexpensive and versatile structured illumination microscopy (SIM) devices. In this paper, I first present a review of the state-of-the-art joint reconstruction methods in RIM, and then propose a unified joint reconstruction approach in which the performance of various regularization terms can be evaluated under the same model. The model hyperparameter is easily tuned and robust in comparison to the previous methods and ℓ2,1 regularizer is proven to be a reasonable prior in most practical situations. Moreover, the degradation entailed by out-of-focus light in conventional SIM can be easily solved in RIM setup.


