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Biagioniite, Tl2SbS2, from the Hemlo gold deposit, Marathon, Ontario, Canada: occurrence and crystal structure
Mineralogical Magazine ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1180/mgm.2020.27
Luca Bindi , Yves Moëlo

Biagioniite, ideally Tl2SbS2, is a new mineral from the Hemlo gold deposit, Marathon, Ontario, Canada. It occurs as very rare anhedral crystals up to 65 μm across associated with aurostibite, stibarsen and native gold in a calcite matrix. Biagioniite is opaque with a metallic lustre and shows a black streak. In reflected light biagioniite is moderately bireflectant and not pleochroic. Under crossed polars it is weakly anisotropic with blueish to light-blue rotation tints. Internal reflections are absent.Reflectance percentages for the four standard wavelengths (Rmin and Rmax) are 35.9 and 37.5 (471.1 nm); 34.7 and 36.2 (548.3 nm); 33.8 and 35.3 (586.6 nm); and 31.5 and 33.7 (652.3 nm), respectively. A mean of four electron microprobe analyses gave: Tl 65.12(31), Ag 3.52(9), Sb 20.22(12), S 10.80(8), total 99.66 wt.%, corresponding, on the basis of a total of 5 atoms, to (Tl1.87Ag0.19)Σ2.06Sb0.97S1.97. Biagioniite is monoclinic, space group Pc, with a = 11.0895(9), b = 14.3124(11), c = 7.9352(6) A, β = 96.230(8)°, V = 1252.02(17) A3 and Z = 8. The four strongest powder-diffraction lines [d in A (I/I0) (hkl)] are: 3.56 (100) (310); 3.37 (75) ( $\bar{2}$ 31); 3.79 (60) (012); 3.03 (60) (032). In the crystal structure [R1 = 0.024 for 2655 reflections with I > 2σ(I)], thallium adopts various coordinations extending from quasi-linear to quasi-tetrahedral. Antimony forms Sb–Sb pairs, which lead to the formula [Tl+1]4[Sb2]4+[S2–]4. Biagioniite is isostructural with dervillite, Ag2AsS2. The new mineral has been approved by the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (IMA2019–120) and named for Cristian Biagioni, Associate Professor of Mineralogy at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa, Italy.


Biagionite,Tl2SbS2,来自 Hemlo 金矿床,Marathon,Ontario,Canada:产状和晶体结构

Biagionite,理想情况下是 Tl2SbS2,是来自加拿大安大略省 Marathon 的 Hemlo 金矿床的一种新矿物。它以非常罕见的多面体晶体的形式出现,直径可达 65 μm,与方解石基质中的铁钛矿、stibarsen 和天然金有关。Biagionite 是不透明的,具有金属光泽,并显示出黑色条纹。在反射光下,双闪石具有适度的双反射性,而不是多向色性的。在交叉极性下,它是微弱的各向异性,带有蓝色到浅蓝色的旋转色调。不存在内部反射。四种标准波长(Rmin 和 Rmax)的反射百分比分别为 35.9 和 37.5(471.1 nm);34.7 和 36.2(548.3 纳米);33.8 和 35.3(586.6 纳米);分别为 31.5 和 33.7 (652.3 nm)。四个电子微探针分析的平均值给出:Tl 65.12(31)、Ag 3.52(9)、Sb 20.22(12)、S 10.80(8),总计 99.66 wt.%,对应,在共5个原子的基础上,为(Tl1.87Ag0.19)Σ2.06Sb0.97S1.97。Biagionite 是单斜晶系,空间群 Pc,a = 11.0895(9), b = 14.3124(11), c = 7.9352(6) A, β = 96.230(8)°, V = 1252.02(17) A3 and Z = 8 . 四个最强的粉末衍射线[d in A (I/I0) (hkl)] 为:3.56 (100) (310);3.37 (75) ( $\bar{2}$ 31); 3.79 (60) (012);3.03 (60) (032)。在晶体结构中 [R1 = 0.024,对于 I > 2σ(I) 的 2655 次反射],铊采用从准线性到准四面体的各种配位。锑形成 Sb–Sb 对,这导致公式 [Tl+1]4[Sb2]4+[S2–]4。Biagionite 与 dervillite Ag2AsS2 具有同构。这种新矿物已获得国际矿物学协会新矿物、命名和分类委员会 (IMA2019-120) 的批准,并以 Cristian Biagioni 的名字命名,