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Falgarite, K4(VO)3(SO4)5, a new mineral from sublimates of a natural underground coal fire at the tract of Kukhi-Malik, Fan-Yagnob coal deposit, Tajikistan
Mineralogical Magazine ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1180/mgm.2020.22
Leonid A. Pautov , Mirak A. Mirakov , Oleg I. Siidra , Abdulkhak R. Faiziev , Еvgeny V. Nazarchuk , Vladimir Yu. Karpenko , Saimudasir Makhmadsharif

A new mineral falgarite, K4(V+4O)3(SO4)5 was discovered at the tract of Kukhi-Malik, Fan-Yagnob coal deposit, ca. 75 km N of Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The new mineral is named after the Falgar, an ancient Sogdian name for an area around the Zeravshan riverhead. Falgarite is a fumarolic mineral formed directly from a gas emitted by a natural underground coal fire. Associated minerals are anhydrite, baryte, molybdite, an unidentified Tl-vanadyl sulfate, K–Mg sulfate and an anhydrous Mg-sulfate. Falgarite forms small isometric or pseudo-octahedral individual crystals (10–60 μm) of turquoise colour and spherical aggregates up to 0.5 mm in diameter. Mohs hardness is ~ 2.5, Dmeas = 2.87(2) and Dcalc = 2.89 g/cm3. Refractive indices are: α = 1.588(3), β(calc.) = 1.600(3) and γ = 1.609(2) (590 nm). In transmitted light falgarite is transparent green with a weak pleochroism. The mineral is non-soluble in H2O and 5% HNO3 at room temperature. Infrared spectra support the absence of H2O and OH. The chemical composition determined by electron-microprobe analysis is (wt.%): Na2O 0.55, K2O 20.76, Tl2O 1.83, VO2 29.38 and SO3 46.78, total 99.29. The empirical formula (based on 23 O apfu) is: (K3.76Na0.15Tl0.07)Σ3.98V3.02S4.99O23.0. The strongest lines of the powder X-ray diffraction pattern are [d,Å(I,%)(hkl)]: 3.20(70)(202); 3.17(80)024; 3.14(70) $\bar{2}$ 04; 3.01(50) $\bar{1}$ 51; and 2.88(100)151. Falgarite is monoclinic, P21/n, a = 8.7209(5), b = 16.1777(6), c = 14.4614(7) Å, β = 106.744(5)°, V = 1953.77(17) Å3, Z = 4 and R1 = 0.05. VO6 octahedra and SO4 tetrahedra link together by sharing corners thus forming a [(VO)3(SO4)5]4– framework. K+, Na+ and Tl+ cations are located in the channels of the framework. The synthetic K4(VO)3(SO4)5 analogue is known.


Falgarite K 4(VO)3(SO 45是塔吉克斯坦Fan-Yagnob矿床Kukhi-Malik地区天然地下燃煤升华产生的新矿物

在加利福尼亚州Fan-Yagnob的Kukhi-Malik矿床发现了一种新的矿物辉沸石K 4(V +4 O)3(SO 45。塔吉克斯坦杜尚别北面75公里。新矿物以Falgar的名字命名,Falgar是Zeravshan河源周围地区的古老索格人名字。al沸石是由天然地下燃煤火产生的气体直接形成的富马酸矿物。伴生的矿物有硬石膏,重晶石,辉钼矿,身份不明的T1-钒氧硫酸盐,硫酸钾镁和无水硫酸镁。al石形成小的等距或伪八面体单晶(10–60μm),呈绿松石色,球形聚集体直径最大为0.5 mm。莫氏硬度约为2.5,D= 2.87(2),D calc= 2.89g / cm 3。折射率为:α= 1.588(3),β(计算)= 1.600(3)和γ= 1.609(2)(590 nm)。在透射光下,al石为透明的绿色,具有弱的多色性。该矿物在室温下不溶于H 2 O和5%HNO 3。红外光谱支持缺少H的2 O和OH - 。通过电子探针分析确定的化学组成为(重量%):Na 2 O 0.55,K 2 O 20.76,Tl 2 O 1.83,VO 2 29.38和SO 3 46.78,总计99.29。经验公式(基于23 O apfu)为:(K 3.76 Na0.150.07Σ3.98 V 3.02 š 4.99 Ò 23.0。粉末X射线衍射图的最强线是[ d,Å(I,%)(hkl)]:3.20(70)(202);m / z (M + H)。3.17(80)024; 3.14(70) $ \ bar {2} $ 04; 3.01(50) $ \ bar {1} $ 51; 和2.88(100)151。Falgarite是单斜晶系,P 2 1 / Ñ一个= 8.7209(5),b = 16.1777(6),C ^ = 14.4614(7)α,β= 106.744(5)°,V = 1953.77(17)一种3ž = 4并且 R 1= 0.05。VO 6八面体和SO 4四面体通过共享角连接在一起,从而形成[(VO)3(SO 45 ] 4–骨架。K +,Na +和Tl +阳离子位于框架的通道中。合成的K 4(VO)3(SO 45类似物是已知的。
