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Impacts of improved sorghum varieties intensification on household welfare in the mid-Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe
Agrekon ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1080/03031853.2020.1721306
Joseph P. Musara 1, 2 , Lovemore Musemwa 1

ABSTRACT Attaining food and income security is a persistent challenge among small holder farmers of Southern Africa. Improved sorghum varieties are widely regarded as a panacea to extreme poverty. The paper uses endogenous switching regression to determine impacts of improved sorghum varieties intensification on household welfare. Household dietary diversity score and household food insecurity access score were used as outcome variables and proxies for food security. Cross-sectional data were generated in the Mid Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe in 2016 from 380 households in a survey conducted with five purposively selected wards. Social association groups, average weighted market prices, household income, age of principal decision maker, dependency ratio, ownership of draught power and storage facilities have significant (p < 0.01) implications on the adoption decision. Counterfactual analyses shows that farmers who allocate more land towards improved sorghum varieties are relatively better off in food diversity and food access. Intensifying improved sorghum varieties can increase dietary diversity by 35% while reducing food insecurity by 29–34%. Social networking can be strengthened through local, government and private partnerships to facilitate generation and efficient dissemination of sorghum production and marketing information. Improving the market prices can increase market size and enhance efficiency along strategic value chain nodes.



摘要 实现粮食和收入安全是南部非洲小农面临的持续挑战。改良的高粱品种被广泛认为是解决极端贫困的灵丹妙药。本文使用内生转换回归来确定高粱改良品种集约化对家庭福利的影响。家庭膳食多样性得分和家庭粮食不安全获取得分被用作结果变量和粮食安全指标。横断面数据是 2016 年津巴布韦中部赞比西河谷的 380 户家庭在对五个有目的地选择的病房进行的调查中产生的。社会团体、平均加权市场价格、家庭收入、主要决策者的年龄、抚养率、电力和储存设施的所有权具有显着性(p < 0. 01) 对采纳决定的影响。反事实分析表明,分配更多土地用于改良高粱品种的农民在食物多样性和食物获取方面的状况相对较好。强化改良高粱品种可以将膳食多样性提高 35%,同时将粮食不安全状况降低 29-34%。可以通过地方、政府和私人伙伴关系加强社交网络,以促进高粱生产和营销信息的生成和有效传播。提高市场价格可以扩大市场规模并提高战略价值链节点的效率。强化改良高粱品种可以将膳食多样性提高 35%,同时将粮食不安全状况降低 29-34%。可以通过地方、政府和私人伙伴关系加强社交网络,以促进高粱生产和营销信息的生成和有效传播。提高市场价格可以扩大市场规模并提高战略价值链节点的效率。强化改良高粱品种可以将膳食多样性提高 35%,同时将粮食不安全状况降低 29-34%。可以通过地方、政府和私人伙伴关系加强社交网络,以促进高粱生产和营销信息的生成和有效传播。提高市场价格可以扩大市场规模并提高战略价值链节点的效率。