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A laboratory transmission diffraction Laue setup to evaluate single-crystal quality
Journal of Applied Crystallography ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1107/s1600576720006317
Alexiane Arnaud , Wijdène Guediche , Clément Remacha , Edward Romero , Henry Proudhon

A scanning laboratory Laue transmission setup is developed to probe extended quasi-monocrystalline samples. Orientation mapping is achieved by controlling the collimation of the incident beam and scanning the position of the specimen. An automated indexing algorithm for transmission Laue patterns is presented, together with a forward simulation model adapted for a laboratory setup. The effect of the main parameters of the system is studied with the aim of achieving exposure times of the order of one second. Applications are presented to probe the orientation of an extended part and detect disoriented regions within the bulk. Finally, the analysis of diffraction spot shapes shows that the misorientation within the illuminated volume can be measured, and a new method is proposed to evaluate its complete mean lattice rotation tensor.


