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Masur–Veech volumes of quadratic differentials and their asymptotics
Journal of Geometry and Physics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2020.103870
Di Yang , Don Zagier , Youjin Zhang

Based on the Chen--Moller--Sauvaget formula, we apply the theory of integrable systems to derive three equations for the generating series of the Masur--Veech volumes ${\rm Vol} \, \mathcal{Q}_{g,n}$ associated with the principal strata of the moduli spaces of quadratic differentials, and propose refinements of the conjectural formulas given in [12,4] for the large genus asymptotics of ${\rm Vol} \, \mathcal{Q}_{g,n}$ and of the associated area Siegel--Veech constants.


二次微分的 Masur-Veech 体积及其渐近线

基于 Chen--Moller--Sauvaget 公式,我们应用可积系统理论推导出 Masur--Veech 体积的生成级数的三个方程 ${\rm Vol} \, \mathcal{Q}_{g ,n}$ 与二次微分模空间的主要层相关,并提出对 [12,4] 中给出的推论公式的改进,用于 ${\rm Vol} \, \mathcal{Q} _{g,n}$ 和相关区域的 Siegel--Veech 常数。