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Probabilistic zero forcing on random graphs
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103207
Sean English , Calum MacRury , Paweł Prałat

Zero forcing is a deterministic iterative graph coloring process in which vertices are colored either blue or white, and in every round, any blue vertices that have a single white neighbor force these white vertices to become blue. Here we study probabilistic zero forcing, where blue vertices have a non-zero probability of forcing each white neighbor to become blue.

We explore the propagation time for probabilistic zero forcing on the Erdős–Réyni random graph G(n,p) when we start with a single vertex colored blue. We show that when p=logo(1)n, then with high probability it takes (1+o(1))log2log2n rounds for all the vertices in G(n,p) to become blue, and when lognnplogO(1)n, then with high probability it takes Θ(log(1p)) rounds.




我们在Erdős-Réyni随机图上探索概率零强迫的传播时间 Gñp当我们从蓝色的单个顶点开始时。我们证明了p=日志-Ø1个ñ,那么很有可能 1个+Ø1个日志2日志2ñ 舍入为所有顶点 Gñp 变成蓝色,何时 日志ññp日志-Ø1个ñ,那么很有可能 Θ日志1个p 回合。
