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Chloride allocation in the euhalophyte Suaeda salsa from different habitats in field and controlled saline conditions
Aquatic Botany ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103292
Qingqing Liu , Yang Yang , Xinxin Zhang , Ranran Liu , Jie Song

Suaeda salsa L. is an annual euhalophyte with high salt tolerance which occurs in intertidal zone and inland saline soils. It is not clear how the two populations deal with high Cl. In the current study, seedlings of two S. salsa populations were cultured with 0 and 300 mM NaCl. The results revealed that the content of Cl in the roots of S. salsa from an intertidal zone was higher than those of the inland population in both field and controlled saline conditions, and SsCLCc may be related to this process. Generally, the expression of Ssperoxidase64 and SsCASP related to Casparian strip formation was higher in the intertidal population compared to the inland population in saline conditions. The formation of Casparian strip as observed under confocal microscopy in the roots of the intertidal population was more distinct compared to the inland population. The intertidal population of S. salsa appeared to well regulate Cl allocation in the roots and leaves compared to the inland population under saline conditions, and the Casparian strip may play a role in this process.



Suaeda salsa L.是一年生的真盐植物,具有很高的耐盐性,发生在潮间带和内陆盐渍土壤中。目前尚不清楚这两个种群是如何应对高氯- 。在当前的研究中,两个沙门氏菌种群的幼苗用0和300 mM NaCl培养。结果表明,氯的含量-在根部碱蓬从潮间带明显高于在现场和控制盐水条件内陆人口的更高,并且SsCLCc可能与这个过程。通常,Ssperoxidase64SsCASP的表达在盐分条件下,潮间带种群与里海带形成的相关性高于内陆种群。共聚焦显微镜下观察到的潮间带种群根部里海带的形成与内陆群体相比更为明显。潮间人口碱蓬出现以及调节氯-盐水相比,条件下的内陆人口分配的根和叶,以及凯氏带可能在这个过程中发挥作用。
