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Aztec diets at the residential site of San Cristobal Ecatepec through stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of bone collagen
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01174-3
Diana K. Moreiras Reynaga , Jean-François Millaire , Raúl E. García Chávez , Fred J. Longstaffe

This paper presents the first systematic study of Aztec diets using bone collagen stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. The objective was to identify the dietary patterns of an Aztec community living in the Basin of Mexico. The collection analyzed includes adult and subadult skeletons from the residential site of San Cristóbal Ecatepec (in present-day Mexico State) (A.D. 900–1521). The isotopic data were compared with available ethnohistoric and archeological information about Aztec diets. We conclude that Ecatepec residents consumed mostly C4 and CAM plants (as opposed to C3 plants), terrestrial animals, and some lacustrine resources. They shared similar diets and foodways, as indicated by the fact that they belonged to the same socio-economic group and that there were no substantial sex-based differences indicated by the isotopic data. The slightly higher carbon isotope compositions of the men compared with the women could be evidence of pulque consumption by the men—as noted in the ethnohistoric record. The nitrogen isotope compositions of the subadults, however, show some variability related to breastfeeding and weaning practices, with infants weaning between 2 and 4 years of age.



本文介绍了使用骨胶原稳定的碳和氮同位素分析对阿兹台克人饮食进行的首次系统研究。目的是确定居住在墨西哥盆地的阿兹台克人社区的饮食模式。分析的集合包括圣克里斯托瓦尔·埃卡特佩克(现墨西哥州)(公元900–1521年)住宅区的成年骨骼和亚成年骨骼。将同位素数据与有关阿兹台克人饮食的可用民族历史和考古信息进行了比较。我们得出的结论是,Ecatepec居民主要消费了C 4和CAM植物(相对于C 3植物),陆生动物和一些湖泊资源。他们共享相同的饮食和饮食习惯,这是因为它们属于同一社会经济群体,而且同位素数据表明并没有基于性别的实质性差异。种族史记录中指出,男性比女性稍高的碳同位素组成可能是男性食用木脂的证据。但是,亚成年人的氮同位素组成显示出与母乳喂养和断奶习惯有关的某些变异性,婴儿在2至4岁之间断奶。