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A new genus of Bambusicolaceae (Pleosporales) on Corylus avellana (Fagales) from Italy.
Biodiversity Data Journal ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.3897/bdj.8.e55957
Subodini Nuwanthika Wijesinghe 1, 2, 3 , Yong Wang 1 , Erio Camporesi 4 , Dhanushka Nadeeshan Wanasinghe 5 , Saranyaphat Boonmee 2, 3 , Kevin David Hyde 2, 5, 6

Background In this study, we introduce Corylicola gen. nov. in the family of Bambusicolaceae (Pleosporales), to accommodate Corylicola italica sp. nov. The new species was isolated from dead branches of Corylus avellana (common hazel) in Italy. The discovery of this new genus with both sexual and asexual characters will contribute to expand the knowledge and taxonomic framework of Bambusicolaceae. New information Corylicola gen. nov. has similar morphological characters compared to other genera of Bambusicolaceae. These are solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose and ostiolate ascomata; anastomosing and branching pseudoparaphyses; cylindrical asci with a well-developed ocular chamber and short furcate pedicel; and single-septate ascospores. The coelomycetous asexual morph of Corylicola has holoblastic, phialidic conidiogenous cells and light brown conidia analogous to other members in the family. Corylicola differs from the other genera of Bambusicolaceae in having yellowish-brown ascospore masses at the top of the ascomatal neck. Detailed morphological illustrations with comprehensive descriptions for the new taxa are provided, as well as a key to the genera of Bambusicolaceae. Maximum Likelihood analysis and Bayesian Inference of a combined SSU, LSU, ITS, RPB2 and TEF1 sequence dataset confirms the placement of this genus as a distinct lineage in Bambusicolaceae.


来自意大利的 Corylus avellana (Fagales) 上的 Bambusicolaceae (Pleosporales) 新属。

背景 在这项研究中,我们介绍了 Corylicola gen。十一月 在 Bambusicolaaceae (Pleosporales) 的家庭中,以适应 Corylicola italica sp。十一月 这个新物种是从意大利榛树(普通榛树)的枯枝中分离出来的。这一具有有性和无性特征的新属的发现将有助于扩大竹科的知识和分类框架。新信息 Corylicola gen。十一月 与竹荪科的其他属相比,具有相似的形态特征。它们是单生的、分散的、球形到近球形和具孔的子囊;吻合和分支假性骺;圆柱形 asci,具有发达的眼室和短的分叉状花梗;和单隔子囊孢子。Corylicola 的腔体无性变体具有全胚层,phialidic 分生孢子细胞和浅棕色分生孢子,类似于家族中的其他成员。Corylicola 与 Bambusicolaceae 其他属的不同之处在于在子囊颈部的顶部具有黄棕色的子囊孢子团。提供了对新分类群进行全面描述的详细形态插图,以及竹科属的关键。组合 SSU、LSU、ITS、RPB2 和 TEF1 序列数据集的最大似然分析和贝叶斯推断证实了该属在竹科植物中的位置。提供了对新分类群进行全面描述的详细形态插图,以及竹科属的关键。组合 SSU、LSU、ITS、RPB2 和 TEF1 序列数据集的最大似然分析和贝叶斯推断证实了该属在竹科植物中的位置。提供了对新分类群进行全面描述的详细形态插图,以及竹科属的关键。组合 SSU、LSU、ITS、RPB2 和 TEF1 序列数据集的最大似然分析和贝叶斯推断证实了该属在竹科植物中的位置。