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Nutritional and functional characterization of different oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars
International Journal of Food Properties ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2020.1806297
Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim 1 , Asif Ahmad 1 , Asma Sohail 1 , Muhammad Javaid Asad 2

ABSTRACT Oats are increasingly recognized as super food owing to the presence of multiple health promoting substances. Five indigenous oat cultivars S2000, PD2LV65, SGD2011, Avon and SGD81 were characterized physico-chemically and nutritonally. Avon showed the maximum (12.69 g100 g-1 dry solids) protein content indicating potential to be used as protein source for animal and human food, whereas SGD-81 excelled incrude fiber contents (17.83 g100 g-1 dry solids). Avon showed the highest fat contents (6.67 g100 g-1 dry solids). Maximum moisture contents showed by the SGD-81 (9.29 g100 g-1 dry solids). SGD-2011 showed maximum ash contents (6.02 g100 g-1 dry solids). S-2000 showed the maximum nitrogen-free extract (60.78 g100 g-1 dry solids) and thousand grain weight (36.74 g). Highest Zn (0.176 mg g-1 of dry solids) and Fe (0.032 mg/g-1 dry solids) contents were found in Avon. Avon showed maxium bulk density of 0.76 g/cc and Avon grains had maximum length and breadth ratio (2.93). The highest water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity and emulsion stability were shown by SGD-81 as 188.33%, 218.754% and 73.13%, respectively. The highest foaming capacity was shown by S-2000 (20%) and the highest emulsion activity was shown by SGD 2011 (56.84%). Amino acid profiling showed the highest outcome 105.67 g kg−1 of dry solids by SGD-2011.While least 99.13 g kg−1 of dry solids depicted by S2000. Total phenolic contents varied from 36.07 to 59.6 mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE), total flavonoids (754.16–1056.66 mg of quercetin equivalent:QE), TfoC (663.75–697.5 mg QE), % scavenging activity (24.33–55.88%) and anthocyanin contents of 0.5–2.87 mg of C3 G kg−1. SGD-81 was loaded with promising nutraceutical potential. SGD-81 would be good substitute of fiber and also loaded with other promising functional attributes including total flavonoid contents, total phenolic contents, total flavonol conetnts and anthocyanin contents. There is great potential for value addition of the oat cultivar SGD-81. Abbreviation NFE: Nitrogen-Free Extract; WAC: Water absorption capacity; NFE: Nitrogen-Free Extract; OAC: Oil absorption capacity; TGW: Thousand grain weight; FC: foaming capacity; BD: Bulk density; EA: Emulsion activity; L/B ratio: Length and breadth ratio; TFC: Total flavonoid contents; TFoC: Total flavonol contents; DPPH-2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl; NAA: Nonessential amino acid; TAA: total amino acids; ES: Emulsion stability; TPC: Total phenolic contents; ppm: parts per million; EAA: Essential amino acids; mg of C3G kg−1 -milligram of Cyanidine 3-glucoside per kilogram


不同燕麦(Avena sativa L.)品种的营养和功能特性

摘要 由于多种健康促进物质的存在,燕麦越来越被认为是超级食品。对五个本土燕麦品种 S2000、PD2LV65、SGD2011、雅芳和 SGD81 进行了理化和营养表征。雅芳的蛋白质含量最高(12.69 g100 g-1 干固体),表明其有可能用作动物和人类食品的蛋白质来源,而 SGD-81 的粗纤维含量(17.83 g100 g-1 干固体)表现出色。雅芳的脂肪含量最高(6.67 g100 g-1 干固体)。SGD-81 显示的最大水分含量(9.29 g100 g-1 干固体)。SGD-2011 显示出最大的灰分含量(6.02 g100 g-1 干固体)。S-2000 显示出最大的无氮提取物(60.78 g100 g-1 干固体)和千粒重(36.74 g)。最高的 Zn(0.176 mg g-1 干固体)和 Fe(0. 在雅芳中发现了 032 mg/g-1 干固体含量。雅芳的最大堆积密度为 0.76 g/cc,雅芳谷物的长宽比最大 (2.93)。SGD-81的最高吸水量、吸油量和乳液稳定性分别为188.33%、218.754%和73.13%。S-2000 的发泡能力最高(20%),SGD 2011 的乳液活性最高(56.84%)。氨基酸分析显示 SGD-2011 的最高结果为 105.67 g kg-1 的干固体。而 S2000 描述的干固体最少为 99.13 g kg-1。总酚含量从 36.07 到 59.6 毫克没食子酸当量 (GAE)、总黄酮类化合物(754.16 到 1056.66 毫克槲皮素当量:QE)、TfoC(663.75-697.5 毫克 QE)、清除活性百分比(54.383%)和 (25.883%) 不等。花青素含量为 0.5–2.87 mg C3 G kg-1。SGD-81 具有极具潜力的营养保健品。SGD-81 将是纤维的良好替代品,还具有其他有前景的功能特性,包括总黄酮含量、总酚含量、总黄酮醇含量和花青素含量。燕麦品种 SGD-81 的增值潜力很大。缩写 NFE:无氮提取物;WAC:吸水能力;NFE:无氮提取物;OAC:吸油量;TGW:千粒重;FC:发泡能力;BD:堆积密度;EA:乳化活性;L/B ratio:长宽比;TFC:总黄酮含量;TFoC:总黄酮醇含量;DPPH-2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picryhydrazyl;NAA:非必需氨基酸;TAA:总氨基酸;ES:乳液稳定性;TPC:总酚含量;ppm:百万分之几;EAA:必需氨基酸;