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Atmospheric Manifestations of the Strong Earthquakes
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s1069351320040084
A. A. Spivak , S. L. Shalimov , S. A. Riabova , V. A. Kharlamov

Based on the analysis of data from the Geophysical Observatory “Mikhnevo” and the Center for Geophysical Monitoring of Moscow of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the response of the atmospheric boundary layer to the strong earthquakes with magnitudes starting from ≥7 is considered. It is shown that the Tohoku earthquake (March 11, 2011, Japan) can be associated with the variations in atmospheric pressure with periods ranging from 8 to 11 h that emerged after this event, whereas a series of the strong earthquakes discussed in the work are accompanied by the variations in the atmospheric pressure with periods close to the singlets of the fundamental free oscillation of the Earth 0S2. Another effect after the earthquakes is the presence of the acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere with a period close to the Brunt-Väisäla period at large distances from the epicenter.



根据“米赫涅沃”地球物理天文台和俄罗斯科学院地球圈动力学研究所莫斯科地球物理监测中心的数据分析,大气边界层对震级从≥ 7 被考虑。结果表明,东北地震(2011 年 3 月 11 日,日本)可能与此事件后出现的 8 至 11 小时期间的大气压力变化有关,而工作中讨论的一系列强地震是伴随着大气压力的变化,其周期接近地球 0S2 基本自由振荡的单线态。