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Cross-Media Communications with Decode-and-Forward Relay and Optimal Power Allocation
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2020.3002099
You Li , Yue Xiao , Xia Lei , Ming Xiao

With the rapid development of wireless communications, the signals may be transmitted in different media, such as visible light and millimeter-wave along the communication path. In this case, there will be different devices working in different media, which cannot directly communicate to each other. For alleviating this problem, we first conceive a cross-media communication scenario where two devices for different media could communicate with the aid of a relay working in both media. Furthermore, we derive the average outage probability of the uplink and downlink communications. Finally, aiming at minimizing the derived average outage probability, the optimal power allocation (PA) scheme at the relay side is also derived and verified by simulation results.


