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Large-Scale Wireless-Powered Networks With Backscatter Communications—A Comprehensive Survey
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1109/ojcoms.2020.3012466
Fatemeh Rezaei , Chintha Tellambura , Sanjeewa Herath

Massive and ubiquitous deployment of devices in networks of fifth generation (5G) and beyond wireless has necessitated the development of ultra-low-power wireless communication paradigms. Recently, wireless-powered networks with backscatter communications (WPN-BCs) has been emerged as a most prominent technology for enabling large-scale self-sustainable wireless networks with the capabilities of RF energy harvesting (EH) and of extreme low power consumption. Therefore, we provide a comprehensive literature review on the fundamentals, challenges and the on-going research efforts in the domain of WPN-BCs. Our emphasis is on large-scale networks. In particular, we discuss signal processing aspects, network design issues and efficient communication techniques. Moreover, we review emerging technologies for WPN-BCs to bring about the best use of resources. Some applications of this innovative technology are also highlighted. Finally, we address some open research problems and future research directions.


