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Review: Strategies for enteric methane mitigation in cattle fed tropical forages.
Animal ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s1751731120001780
J C Ku-Vera 1 , O A Castelán-Ortega 2 , F A Galindo-Maldonado 3 , J Arango 4 , N Chirinda 4 , R Jiménez-Ocampo 1, 5 , S S Valencia-Salazar 6 , E J Flores-Santiago 1 , M D Montoya-Flores 7 , I C Molina-Botero 1 , A T Piñeiro-Vázquez 8 , J I Arceo-Castillo 1 , C F Aguilar-Pérez 1 , L Ramírez-Avilés 1 , F J Solorio-Sánchez 1

Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas (GHG) produced and released by eructation to the atmosphere in large volumes by ruminants. Enteric CH4 contributes significantly to global GHG emissions arising from animal agriculture. It has been contended that tropical grasses produce higher emissions of enteric CH4 than temperate grasses, when they are fed to ruminants. A number of experiments have been performed in respiration chambers and head-boxes to assess the enteric CH4 mitigation potential of foliage and pods of tropical plants, as well as nitrates (NO3) and vegetable oils in practical rations for cattle. On the basis of individual determinations of enteric CH4 carried out in respiration chambers, the average CH4 yield for cattle fed low-quality tropical grasses (>70% ration DM) was 17.0 g CH4/kg DM intake. Results showed that when foliage and ground pods of tropical trees and shrubs were incorporated in cattle rations, methane yield (g CH4/kg DM intake) was decreased by 10% to 25%, depending on plant species and level of intake of the ration. Incorporation of nitrates and vegetable oils in the ration decreased enteric CH4 yield by ∼6% to ∼20%, respectively. Condensed tannins, saponins and starch contained in foliages, pods and seeds of tropical trees and shrubs, as well as nitrates and vegetable oils, can be fed to cattle to mitigate enteric CH4 emissions under smallholder conditions. Strategies for enteric CH4 mitigation in cattle grazing low-quality tropical forages can effectively increase productivity while decreasing enteric CH4 emissions in absolute terms and per unit of product (e.g. meat, milk), thus reducing the contribution of ruminants to GHG emissions and therefore to climate change.



甲烷(CH 4)是一种反刍动物,通过引诱产生并释放到大气中,产生并释放出温室气体(GHG)。肠溶性甲烷4对动物农业引起的全球温室气体排放有重大贡献。有人认为,当将热带草饲喂反刍动物时,它们产生的肠内CH 4排放量要比温带草高。已经在呼吸室和头盒进行了大量的实验,以评估所述肠溶CH 4叶子和热带植物的荚果的减缓潜力,以及硝酸盐(NO 3 - )和牛实际口粮植物油。根据肠溶性CH 4的个体测定在呼吸室内进行的实验结果表明,饲喂劣质热带草(> 70%DM比例)的牛的平均CH 4产量为17.0 g CH 4 / kg DM摄入量。结果表明,将热带树木和灌木的叶子和地面豆荚掺入牛的日粮中后,甲烷产量(g CH 4 / kg DM摄入量)将降低10%至25%,具体取决于植物种类和日粮的摄入量。日粮中硝酸盐和植物油的掺入量分别使肠CH 4的产率降低约6%至约20%。热带树木和灌木的叶子,豆荚和种子中所含的单宁,皂角苷和淀粉的缩合,以及硝酸盐和植物油,可以喂给牛以减轻肠道CH 4的摄入。小农条件下的排放量。减轻放牧低质热带饲草的牛的肠道CH 4的策略可以有效提高生产力,同时减少绝对CH4排放量和单位产品(例如肉,奶)的肠CH 4排放量,从而减少反刍动物对温室气体排放的影响,因此减少应对气候变化。
