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Geochemical Ecology of Small Mammals at Industrially Polluted Areas: Is There any Effect of Reduction in the Emissions?
Geochemistry International ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016702920070046
V. S. Bezel’ , S. V. Mukhacheva

The paper presents data on the involvement of local populations of bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) in the biogeochemical cycles of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb at territories strongly chemically polluted by large nonferrous metallurgical plant in the Middle Urals (in 1990–1992) and after a significant decrease in its emissions (in 2015–2017). At maximally polluted areas (impact zone), the animal-controlled transit Cu, Cd, and Pb flows approached their background values by the end of the study period, and the Zn flow simultaneously twofold decreased compared to the background areas. At moderately polluted areas (buffer zone), no significant changes in the metal fluxed were detected for any of the elements. The specifics of the transit flows of the elements at variably polluted areas are controlled by the concentrations of these elements in the diet of the animals and by the abundance of voles. Thereby the manyfold (fifty-fold) decrease in the emissions did no result in an equivalent decrease in the concentrations of the metals in the animal rations at the polluted areas. The main reason for the changes was a structural transformation in the community of the small mammals, which led to a drastic decrease in the bank vole population in the impact zone. The simultaneous effects of the analyzed factors over the study period of time (25 years) resulted in intensification (in the background zone), retardation (impact zone), and stabilization (buffer zone) of the biogeochemical exchange of the elements.



该论文提供了当地田鼠(Clethrionomys glareolus)种群在中乌拉尔大型有色冶金厂化学污染严重的地区(1990-1992 年)参与铜、锌、镉和铅的生物地球化学循环的数据并且在其排放量显着减少之后(2015-2017 年)。在污染最严重的区域(影响区),到研究期结束时,动物控制的过境 Cu、Cd 和 Pb 流接近其背景值,与背景区域相比,Zn 流同时减少了两倍。在中度污染区域(缓冲区),没有检测到任何元素的助熔金属发生显着变化。不同污染地区的元素过境流的具体情况受这些元素在动物饮食中的浓度和田鼠的丰度控制。因此,排放量的多倍(50 倍)减少并没有导致污染地区动物口粮中金属浓度的等量减少。变化的主要原因是小型哺乳动物群落的结构转型,导致撞击区的河岸田鼠种群急剧减少。分析的因素在研究时间段(25 年)内的同时影响导致元素生物地球化学交换的强化(在背景区)、延迟(冲击区)和稳定(缓冲区)。因此,排放量的多倍(50 倍)减少并没有导致污染地区动物口粮中金属浓度的等量减少。变化的主要原因是小型哺乳动物群落的结构转型,导致撞击区的河岸田鼠种群急剧减少。分析的因素在研究时间段(25 年)内的同时影响导致元素生物地球化学交换的强化(在背景区)、延迟(冲击区)和稳定(缓冲区)。因此,排放量的多倍(50 倍)减少并没有导致污染地区动物口粮中金属浓度的等量减少。变化的主要原因是小型哺乳动物群落的结构转型,导致撞击区的河岸田鼠种群急剧减少。分析的因素在研究时间段(25 年)内的同时影响导致元素生物地球化学交换的强化(在背景区)、延迟(冲击区)和稳定(缓冲区)。变化的主要原因是小型哺乳动物群落的结构转型,导致撞击区的河岸田鼠种群急剧减少。分析的因素在研究时间段(25 年)内的同时影响导致元素生物地球化学交换的强化(在背景区)、延迟(冲击区)和稳定(缓冲区)。变化的主要原因是小型哺乳动物群落的结构转型,导致撞击区的河岸田鼠种群急剧减少。分析的因素在研究时间段(25 年)内的同时影响导致元素生物地球化学交换的强化(在背景区)、延迟(冲击区)和稳定(缓冲区)。