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Respecting One’s Fellow: QBism’s Analysis of Wigner’s Friend
Foundations of Physics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10701-020-00369-x
John B. DeBrota , Christopher A. Fuchs , Rüdiger Schack

According to QBism, quantum states, unitary evolutions, and measurement operators are all understood as personal judgments of the agent using the formalism. Meanwhile, quantum measurement outcomes are understood as the personal experiences of the same agent. Wigner’s conundrum of the friend, in which two agents ostensibly have different accounts of whether or not there is a measurement outcome, thus poses no paradox for QBism. Indeed the resolution of Wigner’s original thought experiment was central to the development of QBist thinking. The focus of this paper concerns two very instructive modifications to Wigner’s puzzle: One, a recent no-go theorem by Frauchiger and Renner (Nat Commun 9:3711, 2018), and the other a thought experiment by Baumann and Brukner (Quantum, Probability, Logic: The Work and Influence of Itamar Pitowsky, Springer, Cham, 2020). We show that the paradoxical features emphasized in these works disappear once both friend and Wigner are understood as agents on an equal footing with regard to their individual uses of quantum theory. Wigner’s action on his friend then becomes, from the friend’s perspective, an action the friend takes on Wigner. Our analysis rests on a kind of quantum Copernican principle: When two agents take actions on each other, each agent has a dual role as a physical system for the other agent. No user of quantum theory is more privileged than any other. In contrast to the sentiment of Wigner’s original paper, neither agent should be considered as in “suspended animation.” In this light, QBism brings an entirely new perspective to understanding Wigner’s friend thought experiments.



根据 QBism,量子态、幺正演化和测量算子都被理解为使用形式主义的代理的个人判断。同时,量子测量结果被理解为同一代理的个人经历。Wigner 的朋友难题,其中两个代理表面上对是否存在测量结果有不同的解释,因此对 QBism 不构成悖论。事实上,维格纳最初的思想实验的解决是 QBist 思想发展的核心。本文的重点涉及对 Wigner 谜题的两个非常有指导意义的修改:一个是最近由 Frauchiger 和 Renner 提出的不可行定理(Nat Commun 9:3711, 2018),另一个是 Baumann 和 Brukner 的思想实验(Quantum, Probability , Logic: The Work and Influence of Itamar Pitowsky, Springer, Cham, 2020)。我们表明,一旦朋友和维格纳都被理解为在量子理论的个人使用方面处于平等地位的代理人,这些作品中强调的矛盾特征就会消失。从朋友的角度来看,Wigner 对他朋友的行动就变成了朋友对 Wigner 采取的行动。我们的分析基于一种量子哥白尼原理:当两个代理对彼此采取行动时,每个代理都作为另一个代理的物理系统扮演双重角色。量子理论的使用者没有任何人比其他人更享有特权。与 Wigner 原始论文的情绪相反,这两个代理都不应该被视为“假死”。有鉴于此,QBism 为理解 Wigner 的朋友思想实验带来了全新的视角。我们表明,一旦朋友和维格纳都被理解为在量子理论的个人使用方面处于平等地位的代理人,这些作品中强调的矛盾特征就会消失。从朋友的角度来看,Wigner 对他朋友的行动就变成了朋友对 Wigner 采取的行动。我们的分析基于一种量子哥白尼原理:当两个代理对彼此采取行动时,每个代理都作为另一个代理的物理系统扮演双重角色。量子理论的使用者没有任何人比其他人更享有特权。与 Wigner 原始论文的情绪相反,这两个代理都不应该被视为“假死”。有鉴于此,QBism 为理解 Wigner 的朋友思想实验带来了全新的视角。我们表明,一旦朋友和维格纳都被理解为在量子理论的个人使用方面处于平等地位的代理人,这些作品中强调的矛盾特征就会消失。从朋友的角度来看,Wigner 对他朋友的行动就变成了朋友对 Wigner 采取的行动。我们的分析基于一种量子哥白尼原理:当两个代理对彼此采取行动时,每个代理都作为另一个代理的物理系统扮演双重角色。量子理论的使用者没有任何人比其他人更享有特权。与 Wigner 原始论文的情绪相反,这两个代理都不应该被视为“假死”。有鉴于此,QBism 为理解 Wigner 的朋友思想实验带来了全新的视角。