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Attitudes towards hunting in Polish society and the related impacts of hunting experience, socialisation and social networks
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-020-01410-0
Małgorzata Krokowska-Paluszak , Adrian Łukowski , Anna Wierzbicka , Arkadiusz Gruchała , Jacek Sagan , Maciej Skorupski

In recent years, hunters in Poland have faced a low level of social acceptance. Scientists from the USA and Sweden have demonstrated that contact with hunters and game meat consumption is one of the decisive factors affecting the social acceptance of hunting. The aim of our study was to examine attitudes towards hunting (ATH) held by the non-hunting part of Polish society and to analyse factors influencing these perceptions. We hypothesised that Polish people have a generally negative ATH but that Polish people who have direct contact with hunters and eat game meat have a more positive ATH. During the study, we surveyed a randomly selected representative sample of 486 respondents. Based on nine statements defining non-hunters’ perceptions, we determined ATH and then investigated its association with attitudinal items such as hunting experience, socialisation, social network and socio-demographic information. We found that most respondents (61.7%) possessed an ATH that was at least slightly positive. Experience with hunting and hunters had a significant positive impact on ATH, and respondents who included game meat in their diet on a regular basis had a more positive ATH, as did respondents who participate in hunting. Socialisation and social network (having parents or friends who hunt/having a hunter in the household) were key positive influences on ATH. Conversely, the inability to visit a forest in their neighbourhood due to ongoing hunting had a significant negative impact on ATH. Different socio-demographic variables had a low impact on ATH. The results of this study show measurable steps towards increasing knowledge about social acceptance of hunting and can also be used as a strong argument in the discussion regarding the existence of sustainable hunting in Europe. We recommend several management implications, especially in a Polish context.


