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Evaluation of a new plant-based formulation for the treatment of varroosis in the honey bee colonies: efficacy and safety
Apidologie ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s13592-020-00786-x
Babak Rashid , Abbas Khani , Vahid Ghasemi , Mohammad Ghadamyari , Najmeh Sahebzadeh , Saeid Moharramipour

Research and development of new natural and safe veterinary medicaments to treat honey bee varroosis caused by Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman is an important step on the path to embarking on organic beekeeping. In the present research, field experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a new plant-based formulation against varroa mite and its safety for the honey bees during the summer and autumn of 2018 in Shirvan, North Khorasan, Iran. It was found that the corrected efficacy of this formulation in the summer (48.70%) was significantly higher than that in the autumn (29.08%). These results proved the importance of ambient temperature on the varroacidal effectiveness of the formulation. An acceptable safety margin for eggs, larvae, adult workers, and queen bees was observed after employing the formulation over a 4-week treatment period in the summer experiment. The effects of the formulation on the enzyme activities and the amounts of energy reserves of the treated bees are also discussed.



研究和开发新的天然和安全的兽药来治疗由瓦螨破坏者安德森和特鲁曼引起的蜜蜂疣病,是迈向有机养蜂道路上的重要一步。在本研究中,2018 年夏季和秋季在伊朗北呼罗珊的希尔万进行了田间试验,以评估一种新的植物性制剂对瓦螨的功效及其对蜜蜂的安全性。结果表明,该配方在夏季的矫正功效(48.70%)明显高于秋季(29.08%)。这些结果证明了环境温度对制剂的抗酸化效力的重要性。对卵、幼虫、成年工人、在夏季实验中使用该配方超过 4 周的治疗期后观察到蜂王。还讨论了配方对酶活性和处理蜜蜂的能量储备量的影响。