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The role of whānau (New Zealand Māori families) for Māori children's early learning.
Developmental Psychology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1037/dev0000835
Tia Neha 1 , Elaine Reese 2 , Elizabeth Schaughency 2 , Mele Taumoepeau 2

The home-learning environment (HLE) is critical for young children's early learning skills, yet little research has focused on HLEs in indigenous communities. This study examined the role of the HLE of 41 whānau (New Zealand Māori families and community) in relation to their young children's (M = 4 years, 4 months) early learning skills. Parents were observed reading a picture book and reminiscing about past events with their children and reported on their cultural affiliation, literacy, and numeracy practices. Children completed vocabulary, narrative, early literacy, early numeracy, and self-regulation tasks. Principal components analyses revealed an early academic skills factor (story comprehension, story memory, phonological awareness, letter recognition, number recognition, counting, and self-regulation) and an oral language skills factor (receptive and expressive vocabulary and story comprehension). Parents' observed book reading and reminiscing correlated with children's early academic skills, and their observed book reading correlated with children's oral language skills. Parent-child reminiscing was a unique, positive predictor of children's early academic skills. Oral narratives such as reminiscing may be a less visible cultural practice that supports children's early learning. Yet reminiscing is a recognized skill within indigenous communities that have a strong emphasis of intergenerational oral transmission of culturally relevant information. Reminiscing is a source of resilience for whānau, and perhaps for other communities around the world, that needs to be highlighted and taken into account for theory and policy about children's early learning. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).



家庭学习环境(HLE)对于幼儿的早期学习技能至关重要,但是很少有研究针对土著社区的HLE。这项研究检查了41个whānau(新西兰毛利人的家庭和社区)的HLE在其幼儿(M = 4岁零4个月)早期学习技能方面的作用。观察到父母正在读一本图画书,并回想起与孩子过去发生的事件,并报告了他们的文化背景,识字和算术实践。孩子们完成了词汇,叙述,早期识字,早期算术和自我调节任务。主要成分分析揭示了早期的学术技能因素(故事理解,故事记忆,语音意识,字母识别,数字识别,计数,和自我调节)以及口语技能(接受和表达的词汇以及对故事的理解)。父母观察到的读书和回忆与孩子的早期学习技能有关,他们观察到的读书与孩子的口语表达能力有关。亲子回忆是孩子早期学习技能的独特,积极的预测指标。回忆等口头叙述可能是一种鲜为人知的文化习俗,可支持儿童的早期学习。然而,回忆是土著社区中公认的技能,土著社区非常重视跨代口头传播文化相关信息。回忆是whānau乃至世界其他社区恢复力的来源,对于儿童早期学习的理论和政策,需要强调并考虑到这一点。(PsycInfo数据库记录(c)2020 APA,保留所有权利)。