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Novel data on the innervation of the lophophore in adult phoronids (Lophophorata, Phoronida)
Zoology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2020.125832
Elena N. Temereva

The structure of the lophophore nervous system may help clarify the status of the clade Lophophorata, whose monophyly is debated. In the current study, antibody labeling and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed previously undescribed main nerve elements in the lophophore in adult phoronids: Phoronis australis and Phoronopsis harmeri. In both species, the nervous system includes a dorsal ganglion, a tentacle nerve ring, an inner nerve ring, intertentacular groups of perikarya, and tentacle nerves. The dorsal ganglion and tentacle nerve ring contain many serotonin-like immunoreactive perikarya of different sizes. The inner nerve ring is described for the first time in adult phoronids with complex lophophore. It contains a thin bundle of serotonin-like immunoreactive neurites. The tentacles possess abfrontal, frontal, and laterofrontal nerves. The abfrontal nerves originate from the tentacle nerve ring; the frontal tentacle nerves extend from the inner nerve ring in P. harmeri and from the intertentacular frontal nerves in P. australis. The intertentacular groups of perikarya are found in phoronids for the first time. These small nerve centers connect with neither the tentacle nerve ring nor the inner nerve ring, giving rise to the laterofrontal tentacle nerves. The discovery of the inner nerve ring in adult phoronids makes the architecture of the lophophore nervous system similar in all lophophorates and thereby supports the monophyly of this group. The presence of intertentacular nerves, perikarya, and groups of perikarya is a typical feature of the nervous system in lophophorate presumably coordinating movements of the tentacles and thereby increasing the efficiency of lophophore functioning.


成年 phoronids (Lophophorata, Phoronida) 神经支配的新数据

海参神经系统的结构可能有助于阐明海参属的进化枝的地位,它的单系存在争议。在目前的研究中,抗体标记和共聚焦激光扫描显微镜揭示了以前未描述的成年佛龙类植物中的主要神经元:Phoronis australis 和 Phoronopsisharmeri。在这两个物种中,神经系统包括背神经节、触手神经环、内神经环、触须间群和触手神经。背神经节和触手神经环含有许多不同大小的血清素样免疫反应性核膜。内神经环首次在具有复杂 lophophore 的成年 phoronids 中被描述。它包含一束薄薄的血清素样免疫反应性神经突。触手有前额神经、额神经和外侧额神经。前额神经起源于触手神经环;额触手神经从 P.harmeri 的内神经环和 P. australis 的触手间额神经延伸。首次在phoronids 中发现了perikarya 的触须间群。这些小的神经中枢既不与触手神经环也不与内神经环相连,从而产生了侧额触手神经。成年phoronids 中内神经环的发现使得所有lophoronids 中的lopophore 神经系统的结构相似,从而支持该组的单一性。触手间神经的存在,perikarya,