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A Systems Change Framework for Evaluating Academic Equity and Inclusion in an Ecology & Evolution Graduate Program
bioRxiv - Scientific Communication and Education Pub Date : 2020-08-15 , DOI: 10.1101/848101
Kelly J Wallace , Julia M York

While academia is moving forward in terms of diversifying recruitment of undergraduate and graduate students, diverse representation is still not found across the academic hierarchy. At the graduate level, new discussions are emerging around efforts to improve the experiences of women and underrepresented minorities through inclusive graduate programming. Inclusive graduate programs are that which actively center and prioritize support for diverse experiences, identities, career goals, and perspectives, from recruitment through graduation. Establishing regular and rigorous evaluation of equity and inclusion efforts and needs is a critical component of this work. This is recognized by funding agencies that increasingly require reporting on inclusion efforts; here we suggest use of a systems change framework for these evaluations. A systems change approach emphasizes three levels: explicit change (e.g. policies), semi-explicit change (e.g. power dynamics), and implicit change (e.g. biases). We use the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) PhD Program at the University of Texas at Austin in an exercise to (1) identify areas of concern regarding inclusive programming voiced by graduate students, (2) categorize efforts to address these concerns, and (3) integrating and evaluating which areas of the systems change framework show the greatest progress or potential for progress. We argue this framework is particularly useful for academic systems as they are complex, composed of variable individuals, and must address diverse stakeholder needs.



尽管学术界在使本科生和研究生的多元化招聘方面取得了进步,但在整个学术体系中仍然找不到多元化的代表。在研究生方面,围绕通过包容性研究生计划改善妇女和代表性不足的少数民族的经验的努力正在引起新的讨论。包容性研究生课程是指从招聘到毕业,积极地为各种经验,身份,职业目标和观点提供支持并确定其优先级的计划。建立对公平,包容性工作和需求的定期,严格的评估是这项工作的重要组成部分。越来越多的要求报告包容性工作的筹资机构已经意识到了这一点;在这里,我们建议使用系统更改框架进行这些评估。系统更改方法强调三个层次:显式更改(例如策略),半显式更改(例如功率动态)和隐式更改(例如偏差)。我们使用德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的生态,进化与行为(EEB)博士计划进行以下练习:(1)确定研究生提出的与包容性编程有关的领域,(2)对解决这些问题的努力进行分类, (3)整合和评估系统变更框架的哪些领域显示出最大的进步或取得进步的潜力。我们认为,该框架对于学术系统特别有用,因为它们很复杂,由可变的个人组成,并且必须满足利益相关者的各种需求。偏见)。我们使用德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的生态,进化与行为(EEB)博士计划进行以下练习:(1)确定研究生提出的与包容性编程有关的领域,(2)对解决这些问题的努力进行分类, (3)整合和评估系统变更框架的哪些领域显示出最大的进步或取得进步的潜力。我们认为,该框架对于学术系统特别有用,因为它们很复杂,由可变的个人组成,并且必须满足利益相关者的各种需求。偏见)。我们使用德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的生态,进化与行为(EEB)博士课程进行以下练习:(1)确定研究生提出的与包容性编程有关的关注领域;(2)对解决这些问题的努力进行分类, (3)整合和评估系统变更框架的哪些领域显示出最大的进步或取得进步的潜力。我们认为,该框架对于学术系统特别有用,因为它们很复杂,由可变的个人组成,并且必须满足利益相关者的各种需求。(3)整合和评估系统变更框架的哪些领域显示出最大的进步或取得进步的潜力。我们认为,该框架对于学术系统特别有用,因为它们很复杂,由可变的个人组成,并且必须满足利益相关者的各种需求。(3)整合和评估系统变更框架的哪些领域显示出最大的进步或取得进步的潜力。我们认为,该框架对于学术系统特别有用,因为它们很复杂,由可变的个人组成,并且必须满足利益相关者的各种需求。