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Seasonal Storage of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Two Perennial Forest Herbaceous Plants
Flora ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2020.151687
Paige Shafer , Michaeleen Gerken Golay

Abstract Herbaceous perennials in a forest ecosystem play a role in seasonal nutrient cycling. Asarum canadense L. (wild ginger) and Hydrophyllum virginianum L. (Virginia waterleaf) are perennial herbaceous plants with different seasonal growth patterns native to mesic hardwood forests. Both flower early, but A. canadense leaves persist after flowering while H. virginianum senesces and produces a second flush of leaves by late summer. Our specific question of interest was whether there is a difference in nutrient storage in leaves and roots seasonally in these two species. We excavated plants in spring, summer, and fall to determine carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentration and content in above and below ground tissues, as well as C:N and N:P ratios. Our findings indicate complex patterns in the location of nutrients in A. canadense and H. virginianum across the growing season. Asarum canadense exhibits relatively consistent above ground growth, with seasonal nutrient accumulation focused below ground for C, N, and P. Patterns are more varied in H. virginianum as a result of the second flush of leaves, notably, the C:N ratio of H. virginianum decreases across the growing season while the N:P ratio increases, but to different degrees in above/below ground tissues. We suggest these patterns are linked to changing photosynthetic capacity across the seasons and a prioritization of vegetative growth over reproductive investment.



摘要 森林生态系统中的多年生草本植物在季节性养分循环中发挥作用。Asarum canadense L.(野姜)和Hydrophyllum virginianum L.(弗吉尼亚水叶)是多年生草本植物,具有不同的季节性生长模式,原产于中等阔叶林。两者都早花,但 A. canadense 叶子在开花后持续存在,而 H. virginianum 衰老并在夏末产生第二次冲洗的叶子。我们感兴趣的具体问题是这两个物种的叶子和根的养分储存是否存在季节性差异。我们在春季、夏季和秋季挖掘植物,以确定地上和地下组织的碳 (C)、氮 (N) 和磷 (P) 浓度和含量,以及 C:N 和 N:P 比率。我们的研究结果表明 A 中营养素位置的复杂模式。canadense 和 H. virginianum 在整个生长季节。加拿大细辛表现出相对一致的地上生长,季节性养分积累集中在地下的 C、N 和 P。 由于第二次冲洗叶子,H. virginianum 的模式更加多样化,特别是 C:N 比为H. virginianum 在整个生长季节减少,而 N:P 比增加,但在地上/地下组织中的程度不同。我们认为这些模式与不同季节光合能力的变化以及营养生长优先于生殖投资有关。virginianum 作为第二次冲洗叶子的结果,特别是,H. virginianum 的 C:N 比率在整个生长季节降低,而 N:P 比率增加,但在地上/地下组织中的程度不同。我们认为这些模式与不同季节光合能力的变化以及营养生长优先于生殖投资有关。virginianum 作为第二次冲洗叶子的结果,特别是,H. virginianum 的 C:N 比率在整个生长季节降低,而 N:P 比率增加,但在地上/地下组织中的程度不同。我们认为这些模式与不同季节光合能力的变化以及营养生长优先于生殖投资有关。