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Measuring Dissociative Symptoms and Experiences in an Australian College Sample Using a Short Version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2020.1792024
Mary-Anne Kate 1 , Graham Jamieson 1 , Martin J Dorahy 2 , Warwick Middleton 3

This paper investigated a 60-item version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID) with the potential to capture the full range of dissociative symptoms that characterize each of the dissociative disorders (DD). The 28-item Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) was designed to capture a wide range of dissociative phenomena, but college population studies indicate it may not be adept at identifying the full range of dissociative symptoms and disorders. The 218-item MID has the advantage of capturing the full range of dissociative symptoms and has diagnostic capabilities for all DSM-5 DD, but the disadvantage of taking considerably longer than the DES to complete. Using university students and staff (N = 313), this paper investigated a 60-item version of the MID with the potential to capture the full range of dissociative symptoms that characterize each of the DD. Results indicate the MID-60 has a nearly identical factor structure to the full MID, excellent internal reliability, and content and convergent validity. Using the MID-60, at least 8% of participants at an Australian university were positive for a DD and, on average, participants self-reported having dissociative experiences 13% of the time. The present study's findings suggest the MID-60 is a promising alternative to the DES, with results about the prevalence of DDs and dissociative experiences consistent with those found using clinical interviews and the DES.



本文研究了 60 项版本的多维解离量表 (MID),它有可能捕获表征每种解离性障碍 (DD) 的全部解离症状。28 项解离体验量表 (DES) 旨在捕捉广泛的解离现象,但大学人口研究表明它可能不擅长识别所有解离症状和障碍。218 项 MID 的优点是可以捕获所有解离症状,并具有对所有 DSM-5 DD 的诊断能力,但缺点是完成时间比 DES 长得多。使用大学生和工作人员(N = 313),本文研究了一个包含 60 项的 MID,它有可能捕获表征每个 DD 的所有分离症状。结果表明 MID-60 具有与完整 MID 几乎相同的因子结构、出色的内部可靠性以及内容和收敛效度。使用 MID-60,澳大利亚大学至少有 8% 的参与者对 DD 呈阳性,平均而言,参与者自我报告有 13% 的时间有分离性经历。本研究的结果表明 MID-60 是 DES 的一种有前途的替代品,其关于 DD 和分离体验的流行结果与使用临床访谈和 DES 发现的结果一致。优秀的内部信度、内容效度和收敛效度。使用 MID-60,澳大利亚大学至少有 8% 的参与者对 DD 呈阳性,平均而言,参与者自我报告有 13% 的时间有分离性经历。本研究的结果表明 MID-60 是 DES 的一种有前途的替代品,其关于 DD 和分离体验的流行结果与使用临床访谈和 DES 发现的结果一致。优秀的内部信度、内容效度和收敛效度。使用 MID-60,澳大利亚大学至少有 8% 的参与者对 DD 呈阳性,平均而言,参与者自我报告有 13% 的时间有分离性经历。本研究的结果表明 MID-60 是 DES 的一种有前途的替代品,其关于 DD 和分离体验的流行结果与使用临床访谈和 DES 发现的结果一致。