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Ener3DMap-SolarWeb roofs: A geospatial web-based platform to compute photovoltaic potential
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ( IF 16.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110203
M. Sánchez-Aparicio , J. Martín-Jiménez , S. Del Pozo , E. González-González , S. Lagüela

The effective exploitation and management of renewable energies requires knowledge not only of the energy intensity at the exploitation site but also of the influence of the geometry of the site and its surroundings. For this reason, the efficient processing and interpretation of combined geospatial and energy data is a key issue. This paper presents the development of a web-based tool for the automatic computation of photovoltaic potential on rooftops and on parcels without buildings. The tool called Ener3DMap-SolarWeb Roofs is based on Leaflet and supports WMS, GeoJSON, GeoCSV and KML formats, among others. With these data formats, base maps, geometric data from the rooftops automatically computed from LiDAR and imagery data with self-developed processing algorithms, cadastral data and a solar radiation model are integrated in the tool. These different types of data, the high level of automation and the different scales for which energy data is calculated (hourly, monthly and annually) are the main contributions of the presented tool compared to other existing solutions. The capacities of the tool are tested through its application to analyze the solar potential of rooftops with different shapes and for different solar panel configurations. The accuracy of the results is ensured through the integration of a validated methodology for the computation of geometry and a validated solar radiation model, PVGIS.



有效利用和管理可再生能源不仅需要了解开采现场的能源强度,还需要了解场地几何形状及其周围环境的影响。因此,有效处理和解释组合的地理空间和能源数据是一个关键问题。本文介绍了基于Web的工具的开发,该工具可自动计算屋顶和没有建筑物的地块上的光伏电势。名为Ener3DMap-SolarWeb Roofs的工具基于Leaflet,并支持WMS,GeoJSON,GeoCSV和KML格式。利用这些数据格式,基础工具,从LiDAR自动计算的屋顶几何数据以及具有自行开发的处理算法的图像数据,地籍数据和太阳辐射模型都集成在该工具中。与其他现有解决方案相比,这些不同类型的数据,高度的自动化程度以及针对其计算能源数据的不同规模(每小时,每月和每年)是该工具的主要贡献。该工具的功能已通过其应用测试,以分析具有不同形状和不同太阳能面板配置的屋顶的太阳能潜力。通过将经过验证的几何学计算方法与经过验证的太阳辐射模型PVGIS相集成,可以确保结果的准确性。该工具的功能已通过其应用测试,以分析具有不同形状和不同太阳能面板配置的屋顶的太阳能潜力。通过将经过验证的几何学计算方法与经过验证的太阳辐射模型PVGIS相集成,可以确保结果的准确性。该工具的功能已通过其应用测试,以分析具有不同形状和不同太阳能面板配置的屋顶的太阳能潜力。通过将经过验证的几何学计算方法与经过验证的太阳辐射模型PVGIS相集成,可以确保结果的准确性。
