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History of applied coal petrology in the United States. IV. Reflections on the centennial of the introduction of coal petrology to North America
International Journal of Coal Geology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2020.103576
James C. Hower , Cortland F. Eble , Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe

Abstract Reinhardt Thiessen introduced a thin-section-based, botanically oriented method of coal petrology to North America in 1920. The nomenclature derived from this system, although eventually reconciled with and largely superseded by the European reflected-light techniques and nomenclature, persisted for decades after Thiessen's death in 1938. The research by Thiessen and his colleagues at the U.S. Bureau of Mines was the foundation of applied coal petrology in the United States, with research on the preparation, coking, and hydrogenation properties of coals. Thiessen's botanical training enabled him to recognize distinct spores in coals. Although he did not macerate the samples and he did not provide genus and species names, the demonstration that he could use spores to correlate coals through the Northern Appalachian coal basin provided a foundation for regional stratigraphic palynology. Homer Turner, an American geologist and fuel scientist, was a pioneer in the petrographic study of anthracite. Using a method of etching polished blocks of anthracite, he developed a parallel approach to Reinhardt Thiessen's studies of thin sections of bituminous and lower-rank coals, describing well-preserved botanical structures. This, in turn, supported the view that anthracite just had a higher degree of metamorphism than bituminous coals, opposed to the older view that anthracite had a different botanical origin. In a joint study with the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Turner produced a map of equal volatile matter contours (isovol) across the Pennsylvania Anthracite Fields. He was also a collaborator in a study on the X-ray diffraction structure of anthracite, presaging better known studies by Rosalind Franklin and others.



摘要 Reinhardt Thiessen 于 1920 年向北美引入了一种基于薄片的、植物学导向的煤岩石学方法。源自该系统的命名法虽然最终与欧洲反射光技术和命名法相协调并在很大程度上被欧洲反射光技术和命名法所取代,但仍持续了数十年。 1938 年蒂森去世后。蒂森和他在美国矿业局的同事的研究是美国应用煤岩石学的基础,研究煤的制备、焦化和加氢特性。Thiessen 的植物学训练使他能够识别煤中不同的孢子。虽然他没有对样品进行浸渍,也没有提供属名和种名,他可以使用孢子来关联北阿巴拉契亚煤盆地的煤炭的证明为区域地层孢粉学奠定了基础。美国地质学家和燃料科学家荷马·特纳 (Homer Turner) 是无烟煤岩相学研究的先驱。使用蚀刻抛光的无烟煤块的方法,他开发了一种与 Reinhardt Thiessen 研究烟煤和低阶煤薄片的平行方法,描述了保存完好的植物结构。这反过来又支持了无烟煤比烟煤具有更高变质程度的观点,这与无烟煤具有不同植物来源的旧观点相反。在与美国矿业局的联合研究中,特纳绘制了宾夕法尼亚州无烟煤油田等量挥发物等值线 (isovol) 的地图。