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Gastrointestinal helminths of waterfowl (Anatidae: Anatinae) in the Lerma marshes of central Mexico: Some pathological aspects.
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.07.008
Patricia Padilla-Aguilar 1 , Evangelina Romero-Callejas 1 , José Ramírez-Lezama 2 , David Osorio-Sarabia 3 , Luis García-Prieto 3 , Carlos Manterola 4 , Luis Jorge García-Márquez 5 , Heliot Zarza 6

Gastrointestinal helminths of migratory waterfowl can cause several lesions that may affect the health and even the survival of their hosts. As part of an ongoing project that aims to inventory the helminth species that infect this group of birds, as well as the histopathologic lesion they cause, a total of 200 digestive tracts of nine species of anatid birds (Spatula discors, S. cyanoptera, S. clypeata, Mareca strepera, M. americana, Anas crecca, A. acuta, A. platyrhynchos diazi, and Oxyura jamaicensis) were collected in the Atarasquillo marsh of Lerma, in the State of Mexico. The present work had a twofold goal: to determine the taxonomic identity of the helminth species present in waterfowl as well as their infection levels and to describe the lesions caused by gastrointestinal parasites in migratory and resident anatids in Atarasquillo marsh, State of Mexico. The specimens were examined using routine helminthological and histopathological techniques. A total of 23 helminths were identified: six trematodes (Zygocotyle lunata, Notocotylus triserialis, Notocotylus seineti, Psilochasmus oxyurus, Australapatemon burti and Cotylurus magniacetabulus), four cestodes (Cloacotaenia megalops, Fimbriaria fasciolaris, Gatrotaenia cygni and Diorchis sp.), eleven nematodes (Echinuria uncinata, Tetrameres sp., Tetrameres fissispina, Hystrichis sp., Streptocara sp., Amidostomum sp., Epomidiostomum uncinatum, Capillaria sp., Capillaria contorta, Ascaridia sp. and Heterakis sp.) and two acanthocephalans (Pseudocorynosoma constrictum and Filicollis sp.). At the proventriculus level, Echinuria uncinata caused the most severe lesions; in the gizzard, Amidostomum sp. and E. uncinatum produced hemorrhages and necrosis. Finally, the main lesions found in the intestine (necrosis, heterophilic granulomas and the formation of lumps on the serosa) were caused by the implantation of the acanthocephalans’ proboscis. Eleven species of gastrointestinal helminths found are new records for the Lerma marshes, as well as the first record in Mexico of the nematode Capillaria contorta and the acanthocephalan Filicollis sp.



迁徙水禽的胃肠蠕虫会引起多种损害,这些损害可能会影响其宿主的健康甚至存活。作为正在进行的项目的一部分,该项目旨在清点感染此类鸟类的蠕虫物种及其所引起的组织病理学损害,共计9种species属鸟类的200条消化道(刮铲,蓝翅目,蓝翅目,S。 clypeata,Mareca strepera,M。americana,Anas crecca,A。acuta,A。platyrhynchos diaziOxyura jamaicensis)收集在墨西哥州莱尔马(Lerma)的Atarasquillo沼泽中。目前的工作有两个目标:确定水禽中存在的蠕虫物种的分类学特征以及它们的感染水平,并描述墨西哥州阿塔拉斯奎洛沼泽中迁徙和定居的花ati中由胃肠道寄生虫引起的损害。使用常规的蠕虫学和组织病理学技术检查标本。共计23个蠕虫被确定:6个吸虫(Zygocotyle孢,Notocotylus triserialis,Notocotylus seinetiPsilochasmus oxyurus,Australapatemon burtiCotylurus magniacetabulus),四头绦虫(Cloacotaenia megalops,Fimbriaria fasciolaris,Gatrotaenia天鹅座Diorchis sp。),11个线虫(Echinuria uncinata,Tetrameres sp。,Tetrameres fissispina,Hystrichis sp 。,Streptocara sp。,Amidostomum sp。,Epoomidiostotomum uncinatum,Capillaria sp。,Capillaria contorta,Ascaridia sp。和Heterakis sp。)棘头动物缩窄假单胞菌Filicollis sp。)。在前胃毛细血管水平上,棘皮棘球caused病造成最严重的病变;在the,Amidostomum sp。和E. uncinatum产生出血和坏死。最后,肠道中发现的主要病变(坏死,嗜异性肉芽肿和浆膜上的肿块形成)是由棘头动物的长鼻植入引起的。发现的11种胃肠蠕虫是莱尔马沼泽的新记录,也是墨西哥线虫毛细线虫(Capillaria contorta)和棘头虫Filicollis sp在墨西哥的第一个记录。
