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Climate change and angling behavior on the North shore of Lake Superior (USA)
Fisheries Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105717
Adam Hestetune , Paul M. Jakus , Christopher Monz , Jordan W. Smith

Abstract Angling in Minnesota’s North Shore faces unique threats from the impacts of climate change. These impacts, such as changes in the presence and/or abundance of specific species, present management challenges which might also influence the demand for recreational angling throughout the region. Anglers’ adaptations to climate change in the North Shore region could shift densities, timing, and spatial use of the region’s fish populations, increasing the stress on ecological systems. Developing an empirically grounded understanding of the contingent behaviors of anglers is imperative if the region’s fish populations are to be managed sustainably. Using a travel cost model, we measure the demand for angling under current conditions and potential future climate and environmental conditions. Our research also explores the adaptive and coping behaviors of anglers. Results suggest North Shore anglers are not likely to alter the total number of trips they take to the region in the future as climate and environmental conditions change. Among the adaptive and coping behaviors we asked about, anglers indicated they are most likely to engage in a different activity (activity substitution) as conditions change; they also indicated a willingness to fish elsewhere (spatial substitution). Rescheduling or canceling angling trips (temporal substitution) was the least preferred adaptive/coping behavior. Further research is needed to understand why anglers’ future trip-taking behaviors are not responsive to changes in climate and environmental conditions, though their adaptive and coping behaviors are. Our findings can be used to help managers maintain the satisfaction, experiences, and participation of future generations of anglers.



摘要 明尼苏达州北岸的钓鱼面临着气候变化影响的独特威胁。这些影响,例如特定物种的存在和/或丰度的变化,带来了管理挑战,这也可能影响整个地区对休闲垂钓的需求。北岸地区垂钓者对气候变化的适应可能会改变该地区鱼类种群的密度、时间和空间利用,增加对生态系统的压力。如果要可持续地管理该地区的鱼类种群,就必须对垂钓者的偶然行为形成经验基础的理解。我们使用旅行成本模型来衡量在当前条件下以及未来潜在的气候和环境条件下对钓鱼的需求。我们的研究还探讨了垂钓者的适应和应对行为。结果表明,随着气候和环境条件的变化,北岸垂钓者未来不太可能改变他们前往该地区的总次数。在我们询问的适应性和应对行为中,垂钓者表示,随着条件的变化,他们最有可能从事不同的活动(活动替代);他们还表示愿意在别处捕鱼(空间替代)。重新安排或取消钓鱼之旅(时间替代)是最不受欢迎的适应性/应对行为。需要进一步的研究来理解为什么垂钓者未来的旅行行为对气候和环境条件的变化没有反应,尽管他们的适应和应对行为是。