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Two new species of Cinnamodendron (Canellaceae) from Brazil
Brittonia ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12228-020-09627-8
Jackeline Salazar , Fábio De Barros , Marcos A. Caraballo-Ortiz

Two new species of Canellaceae from Brazil, Cinnamodendron brasiliense and Cinnamodendron catarinense, are here described. These species are known from the Atlantic Forest in the States of São Paulo (southeastern Brazil) and Santa Catarina (southern Brazil), respectively. Cinnamodendron brasiliense shares morphological similarities with C. occhionianum, but it can be distinguished by being a shrub or treelet up to 6 m tall with one or two flowers per inflorescence and obovoid fruits up to 1.8 cm long; whereas C. occhionianum is a tree 8–20 m tall with four or five flowers per inflorescence and globose fruits up to 1.5 cm long. Cinnamodendron catarinense resembles C. sampaioanum, but it has more flowers per inflorescences (6–8), the staminal tube below the anthers is shorter (about 1 mm long), and the anthers are longer (2.2–2.5 mm) than those of C. sampaioanum, which has 1–3 flowers per inflorescence, a staminal tube below anthers of ca. 3.2 mm long, and anthers 1–1.2 mm long. With the addition of these two species, Brazil becomes the country with the highest number of species of Cinnamodendron, holding six of the eight known species for South America. In this work, a key to all the species of Cinnamodendron from South America is also provided, as well as illustrations in photographs and line drawings of the two new species.



这里描述了两种来自巴西的 Canellaceae,Cinnamodendron brasiliense 和 Cinnamodendron catarinense。这些物种分别来自圣保罗州(巴西东南部)和圣卡塔琳娜州(巴西南部)的大西洋森林。Cinnamodendron brasiliense 与 C. occhionianum 具有相似的形态学特征,但可以区分为高达 6 m 的灌木或小树,每个花序有一到两朵花,倒卵形果实长达 1.8 cm;而 C. occhionianum 是一棵 8-20 m 高的树,每个花序有四到五朵花,球形果实长达 1.5 cm。Cinnamodendron catarinense 类似于 C. sampaioanum,但每个花序有更多的花 (6-8),花药下方的雄蕊管较短(约 1 毫米长),花药比 C. sampaioanum 长(2.2-2.5 毫米) . sampaioanum,每个花序有 1-3 朵花,在约 100 年的花药下方有一个雄蕊管。长3.2毫米,花药长1-1.2毫米。随着这两个物种的加入,巴西成为拥有最多 Cinnamodendron 物种的国家,拥有南美洲八种已知物种中的六种。在这项工作中,还提供了来自南美洲的所有 Cinnamodendron 物种的关键,以及这两个新物种的照片和线条图插图。