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Daily Links Between Helping Behaviors and Emotional Well-Being During Late Adolescence.
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-10 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12572
Emma Armstrong-Carter 1 , João F Guassi Moreira 2 , Susannah L Ivory 3 , Eva H Telzer 4

We investigated daily associations between helping behaviors and emotional well‐being during late adolescence, examining whether these links depend on the recipient of help (i.e., friend vs. roommate), type of help (i.e., instrumental vs. emotional), and individual differences in the helper (i.e., gender and empathy). First‐year college students (N = 411, 63.5% women, Mage = 18.62 years) completed diary checklists for eight days, reporting whether they provided instrumental and emotional support to a friend or roommate, and positive and negative emotions. On days that adolescents provided instrumental assistance to friends they felt more positive affect, but men also felt more negative affect. Providing instrumental and emotional support to roommates and providing emotional support to friends did not predict daily emotions.



我们调查了青春期后期帮助行为与情绪健康之间的日常关联,检查这些联系是否取决于帮助的接受者(即朋友与室友)、帮助类型(即工具性与情感性)以及个体差异在帮手中(即性别和同理心)。大学一年级学生(N  = 411,63.5% 女性,M = 18.62 岁)完成八天的日记清单,报告他们是否向朋友或室友提供了工具和情感支持,以及积极和消极的情绪。在青少年为朋友提供工具性帮助的日子里,他们会感受到更多的积极影响,但男性也感受到更多的消极影响。为室友提供工具和情感支持以及为朋友提供情感支持并不能预测日常情绪。