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Postnatal Development of the Mouse Larynx: Negative Allometry, Age-Dependent Shape Changes, Morphological Integration, and a Size-Dependent Spectral Feature
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.1044/2020_jslhr-20-00070
Tobias Riede 1, 2 , Megan Coyne 2 , Blake Tafoya 2 , Karen L Baab 3

Purpose The larynx plays a role in swallowing, respiration, and voice production. All three functions change during ontogeny. We investigated ontogenetic shape changes using a mouse model to inform our understanding of how laryngeal form and function are integrated. We understand the characterization of developmental changes to larynx anatomy as a critical step toward using rodent models to study human vocal communication disorders. Method Contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography image stacks were used to generate three-dimensional reconstructions of the CD-1 mouse ( Mus musculus ) laryngeal cartilaginous framework. Then, we quantified size and shape in four age groups: pups, weanlings, young, and old adults using a combination of landmark and linear morphometrics. We analyzed postnatal patterns of growth and shape in the laryngeal skeleton, as well as morphological integration among four laryngeal cartilages using geometric morphometric methods. Acoustic analysis of vocal patterns was employed to investigate morphological and functional integration. Results Four cartilages scaled with negative allometry on body mass. Additionally, thyroid, arytenoid, and epiglottic cartilages, but not the cricoid cartilage, showed shape change associated with developmental age. A test for modularity between the four cartilages suggests greater independence of thyroid cartilage shape, hinting at the importance of embryological origin during postnatal development. Finally, mean fundamental frequency, but not fundamental frequency range, varied predictably with size. Conclusion In a mouse model, the four main laryngeal cartilages do not develop uniformly throughout the first 12 months of life. High-dimensional shape analysis effectively quantified variation in shape across development and in relation to size, as well as clarifying patterns of covariation in shape among cartilages and possibly the ventral pouch. Supplemental Material https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.12735917



目的喉在吞咽、呼吸和发声中发挥着重要作用。所有这三个功能在个体发育过程中都会发生变化。我们使用小鼠模型研究了个体发育形状的变化,以帮助我们了解喉部形态和功能如何整合。我们理解喉部解剖结构发育变化的表征是使用啮齿动物模型研究人类声音交流障碍的关键一步。 方法对比增强微型计算机断层扫描图像堆栈用于生成 CD-1 小鼠的三维重建(小家鼠)喉软骨框架。然后,我们结合地标和线性形态测量来量化四个年龄组的大小和形状:幼犬、断奶幼犬、年轻人和老年人。我们使用几何形态测量方法分析了喉骨骼的出生后生长和形状模式,以及四种喉软骨之间的形态整合。采用声音模式的声学分析来研究形态和功能整合。 结果四个软骨按体重负异速生长缩放。此外,甲状腺、杓状软骨和会厌软骨(但不是环状软骨)显示出与发育年龄相关的形状变化。对四个软骨之间的模块化测试表明甲状软骨形状具有更大的独立性,暗示胚胎起源在出生后发育过程中的重要性。最后,平均基频(但不是基频范围)随尺寸的变化而变化。 结论在小鼠模型中,四个主要喉软骨在生命的前 12 个月内发育并不均匀。高维形状分析有效地量化了发育过程中形状的变化以及与尺寸的关系,并阐明了软骨和可能的腹袋之间形状的共变模式。 补充材料 https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.12735917