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Construct validity and test-retest reliability of the World Mental Health Japan version of the World Health Organization Health and Work Performance Questionnaire Short Version: a preliminary study.
Industrial Health ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.2486/indhealth.2019-0090
Norito Kawakami 1 , Akiomi Inoue 2 , Masao Tsuchiya 1 , Kazuhiro Watanabe 1 , Kotaro Imamura 1 , Mako Iida 3 , Daisuke Nishi 1

The aim of the study was to investigate test-retest reliability and construct validity of the World Mental Health Japan (WMHJ) version of World Health Organization Health and Performance Questionnaire (WHO-HPQ) short version according the COSMIN standard. We conducted two consecutive surveys of 102 full-time employees recruited through an Internet survey company in Japan, with a two-week interval in 2018. We calculated Pearson’s correlation (r) of measures of the WHO-HPQ with other presenteeism scales (Stanford Presenteeism Scale, Work Functioning Impairment Scale, and perceived relative presenteeism), health and psychosocial job conditions. We tested the test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation, ICC) among those who reported no change of job performance during the follow-up. Among 92 (90%) respondents, the absolute presenteeism significantly correlated with WFun and perceived relative presenteeism (r=−0.341 and −0.343, respectively, p=0.001) and psychological distress (r=−0.247, p=0.018). The absolute/relative absenteeism did not significantly correlate with the other covariates. The test-retest reliability over a two-week period was high for the WHO-HPQ absolute presenteeism (ICC, 0.73), while those for absolute/relative absenteeism measures were moderate. The study found an adequate level of test-retest reliability, but limited support for the construct validity of the absolute presenteeism measure of the WMHJ version of the WHO-HPQ. Further research is needed to investigate the construct validity of the WHO-HPQ measures in a larger sample.



这项研究的目的是调查根据COSMIN标准的世界卫生组织健康与绩效问卷(WHO-HPQ)的日本世界精神卫生(WMHJ)版本的重测信度和构建效度。我们对日本一家互联网调查公司招募的102名全职员工进行了连续两次调查,2018年为两周。我们计算了皮尔逊的WHO-HPQ度量值与其他表现主义量表(Stanford Presenteeism)的相关性(r)。量表,工作机能障碍量表和感知的相对出席感,健康和社会心理工作条件。我们在随访期间报告工作绩效没有变化的那些人中测试了重测信度(类内相关性,ICC)。在92位(90%)的受访者中,p = 0.001)和心理困扰(r = -0.247,p = 0.018)。绝对/相对旷工与其他协变量没有显着相关。WHO-HPQ绝对出勤率在两周内的重测信度较高(ICC,0.73),而绝对/相对旷工测度的可信度中等。该研究发现了足够的重测信度水平,但对WMHJ版本的WMHJ版本的绝对表现主义措施的构造效度的支持有限。需要进行进一步的研究以调查较大样本中WHO-HPQ措施的构建效度。
