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Glottal Aerodynamics Estimated From Neck-Surface Vibration in Women With Phonotraumatic and Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1044/2020_jslhr-20-00189
Víctor M Espinoza 1 , Daryush D Mehta 2, 3, 4 , Jarrad H Van Stan 2, 3, 4 , Robert E Hillman 2, 3, 4 , Matías Zañartu 5

Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine whether estimates of glottal aerodynamic measures based on neck-surface vibration are comparable to those previously obtained using oral airflow and air pressure signals (Espinoza et al., 2017) in terms of discriminating patients with phonotraumatic and nonphonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction (PVH and NPVH) from vocally healthy controls. Method Consecutive /pae/ syllables at comfortable and loud level were produced by 16 women with PVH (organic vocal fold lesions), 16 women with NPVH (primary muscle tension dysphonia), and 32 vocally healthy women who were each matched to a patient according to age and occupation. Subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering of the anterior neck-surface accelerometer (ACC) signal yielded estimates of peak-to-peak glottal airflow, open quotient, and maximum flow declination rate. Average subglottal pressure and microphone-based sound pressure level (SPL) were also estimated from the ACC signal using subject-specific linear regression models. The ACC-based measures of glottal aerodynamics were normalized for SPL and statistically compared between each patient and matched-control group. Results Patients with PVH and NPVH exhibited lower SPL-normalized glottal aerodynamics values than their respective control subjects ( p values ranging from < .01 to .07) with very large effect sizes (1.04–2.16), regardless of loudness condition or measurement method (i.e., ACC-based values maintained discriminatory power). Conclusions The results of this study demonstrate that ACC-based estimates of most glottal aerodynamic measures are comparable to those previously obtained from oral airflow and air pressure (Espinoza et al., 2017) in terms of differentiating between hyperfunctional (PVH and NPVH) and normal vocal function. ACC-based estimates of glottal aerodynamic measures may be used to assess vocal function during continuous speech and enables this assessment of daily voice use during ambulatory monitoring to provide better insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with vocal hyperfunction.



目的 本研究的目的是确定基于颈部表面振动的声门空气动力学测量值的估计值是否与之前使用口腔气流和气压信号获得的估计值(Espinoza 等人,2017 年)在区分耳外伤性和声外伤性患者方面具有可比性。声音健康对照的非语音创伤性声音功能亢进(PVH 和 NPVH)。方法 由 16 名患有 PVH(器质性声带病变)的女性、16 名患有 NPVH(原发性肌张力性发声障碍)的女性和 32 名声带健康的女性发出舒适且响亮的连续 /pae/ 音节,这些女性根据以下标准与患者进行匹配:年龄和职业。对前颈表面加速度计 (ACC) 信号进行基于声门下阻抗的逆滤波,得出声门气流峰峰值、开商和最大流量下降率的估计值。还使用特定于受试者的线性回归模型根据 ACC 信号估计平均声门下压力和基于麦克风的声压级 (SPL)。基于 ACC 的声门空气动力学测量值针对 SPL 进行标准化,并在每位患者和匹配对照组之间进行统计比较。结果 PVH 和 NPVH 患者表现出比各自对照受试者更低的 SPL 归一化声门空气动力学值(p 值范围为 < .01 至 0.07),且效应量非常大 (1.04–2.16),无论响度条件或测量方法如何(即,基于 ACC 的价值观保持了歧视性力量)。结论 本研究的结果表明,基于 ACC 的大多数声门空气动力学测量值的估计值与之前从口腔气流和气压获得的估计值相当(Espinoza 等,2017)。,2017)在区分功能亢进(PVH 和 NPVH)和正常发声功能方面。基于 ACC 的声门空气动力学测量估计可用于评估连续言语期间​​的发声功能,并能够在动态监测期间评估日常发声情况,从而更好地了解与发声功能亢进相关的病理生理机制。