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U.S. Media Enjoyment without Strong Media Literacy Undermines Adolescents' and Mothers' Reported Efforts to Reduce Unhealthy Eating in Jamaica.
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12571
Gail M Ferguson 1 , Michelle R Nelson 2 , Barbara H Fiese 2 , Julie M Meeks Gardner 3 , Brenda Koester 2 , 2, 3

We investigate whether media literacy and media use can moderate the association between U.S. media enjoyment and unhealthy eating among remotely acculturating “Americanized” adolescents and their mothers in Jamaica (n = 164 individuals/82 dyads; Madolescent.age = 12.83, SD = 0.48, 48% female; Mmother_age = 39.25, SD = 5.71). Socioeconomically diverse participants completed questionnaires reporting their degree of enjoyment of U.S. media (i.e., remote acculturation), media literacy (i.e., critical thinking about food media/advertising), and adherence to national dietary guidelines to reduce sugar/fat. Multilevel modeling showed that enjoying U.S. media and consuming high levels of U.S. TV plus Jamaican TV are associated with lower efforts to reduce sugar and fat. However, high media literacy, whether one’s own or a close family member’s, weakens or nullifies that association.



我们调查了媒体素养和媒体使用是否可以减轻牙买加远程文化适应的“美国化”青少年及其母亲(n  = 164 个人/82 对;M青少年 年龄 = 12.83,SD  = 0.48)中美国媒体享受与不健康饮食之间的关联, 48% 女性;M Mother_age  = 39.25, SD = 5.71)。社会经济多样化的参与者完成了调查问卷,报告了他们对美国媒体的享受程度(即远程文化适应)、媒体素养(即对食品媒体/广告的批判性思考)以及遵守国家饮食指南以减少糖/脂肪的程度。多层次模型表明,享受美国媒体和消费高水平的美国电视和牙买加电视与减少糖和脂肪的努力有关。然而,高度的媒体素养,无论是自己的还是近亲的,都会削弱或消除这种联系。