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Charles Darwin did not mislead Joseph Hooker in their 1881 Correspondence about Leopold von Buch and Karl Ernst von Baer
Annals of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00033790.2020.1790659
Joachim L Dagg 1 , J F Derry 2

ABSTRACT While Joseph Hooker was considering his upcoming presentation on the geographical distribution of species, he asked Charles Darwin for help with some references. During the ensuing exchange of correspondence, Darwin seems to have contradicted himself, regarding his being aware of Leopold von Buch’s observation that distributed varieties become species, prior to writing On the Origin of Species. Literalists and conspiracists have interpreted this apparent self-contradiction as a sign of duplicity and fraud. However, when the correspondence and Hooker’s address are analysed in context, there is a more compelling explanation. Simply that, in response to direct questioning by Hooker, Darwin conflated the two names of Von Baer and Von Buch, and made an honest mistake.


查尔斯·达尔文在 1881 年关于利奥波德·冯·布赫 (Leopold von Buch) 和卡尔·恩斯特·冯·贝尔 (Karl Ernst von Baer) 的通信中并未误导约瑟夫·胡克 (Joseph Hooker)

摘要 当约瑟夫·胡克(Joseph Hooker)正在考虑他即将发表的关于物种地理分布的演讲时,他向查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)寻求了一些参考。在随后的通信交流中,达尔文似乎自相矛盾,关于他在撰写《物种起源》之前意识到利奥波德·冯·布赫 (Leopold von Buch) 的观察,即分布式变种变成了物种。文学家和阴谋家将这种明显的自相矛盾解释为口是心非和欺诈的迹象。然而,当在上下文中分析信件和胡克的地址时,有一个更令人信服的解释。简而言之,达尔文在回应胡克的直接质询时,将冯贝尔和冯布赫这两个名字混为一谈,犯了一个诚实的错误。