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Effectiveness of Virtual Versus Physical Training: The Case of Assembly Tasks, Trainer's Verbal Assistance, and Task Complexity
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mcg.2020.3006330
Konstantinos Koumaditis 1 , Francesco Chinello 1 , Panagiotis Mitkidis 1 , Simon Karg 1

Virtual immersive training (VIT) systems based on gamification of tasks are increasingly employed to train assembly workers. In this article, we present a study that compares the effectiveness of virtual and physical training for teaching a bimanual assembly task and in a novel approach, we introduce task complexity (TCXB_{\mathrm{CXB}} CXB ) as an indicator of assembly errors during final assembly. In a between-subjects experiment, 100 participants were trained to assemble a 3-D cube in one of the four conditions (physical, virtual and with trainer's verbal assistance or not). The results demonstrate that the best-performing conditions, both in terms of successful assemblies and time performance, are the ones that the physical objects are included in the training, whereas no significant difference is found when the trainer's verbal assistance is present or absent during training. Additionally, we address the validity of a practical TCXB_{\mathrm{CXB}} CXB list as a tool for supporting the design of VIT systems.



基于任务游戏化的虚拟沉浸式培训 (VIT) 系统越来越多地用于培训装配工人。在本文中,我们提出了一项研究,比较虚拟和物理训练在教授双手装配任务方面的有效性,并以一种新颖的方法,引入任务复杂性(TCXB_{\mathrm{CXB}} CXB )作为装配错误的指标在最后组装期间。在一项受试者间实验中,100 名参与者接受了在四种条件之一(物理条件、虚拟条件以及是否有培训师口头协助)下组装 3D 立方体的培训。结果表明,无论是在成功组装还是在时间表现方面,表现最好的条件是训练中包含物理对象的条件,而训练期间有或没有教练的口头协助时没有发现显着差异。此外,我们还讨论了实用的 TCXB_{\mathrm{CXB}} CXB 列表作为支持 VIT 系统设计的工具的有效性。